Errata & FAQ ?


So, little Mongoose, when will we get our Errata & FAQ for all the Bab5 books, eh?

(And DON'T tell me about the little FAQ in Signs & Portents, I do have that but that's not enough and I want it ONLINE. I won't buy S&P again (I have the first 3 or 4) cause there are only 3-6 pages in it which are Bab5 stuff and that's all I need.)

And if you will never do Errata & FAQ as an Web enhancement than have the guts to tell us about it NOW.

das Darke
The tone may have been sharp, but the point was there....
It is very hard to get hold of Signs and Portents in the UK - I have two separate vendors looking for it...
Things like, in the Minbari Fact book, under age (if I remember rightly), the age for both sexes is listed as being the same sex - just exactly which row is supposed to be which? Why has it become sex-dependant anyway?
An online FAQ/Errata would be utterly invaluable...
Ah, I agree it is most likely needed. I agree that it would be invaluable. I agree that it is a darned good idea.

I just do not see how loggin on, belittling the company ("little Mongoose"), using a tone best reserved for drug-addicted 13-year olds and DEMANDING that they provide him what he wants ("DON'T tell me about the little FAQ in Signs and Portents...", "...I want it ONLINE.", "I won;t buy S&P again...")... the insinuating that they are a cowardly lot that hides in the shadows ("...have the guts to tell us about it NOW.")

That it all. Polite conversation works just as well. Better even.
MrFilthyIke said:
Honey or Vinegar. Which will you use to get what you want? ;)
Well Honey (or was it Money?) always work better for me. :D

Seriously, it's always preferable to start politely as you can then sharpen your tone if the response is unsatisfactory. If you try the other way around, it just won't cut it...

Ah well, just go read "How to make friends" :wink:
Personaly, I can wait for the Companion to come out later this year as it gives me time to digest the current releases and sort out my campaign ideas. I guess the rules (particularly those pertaining to ship combat) will be ironed out in the upcoming Companion... (March-April release ?)
I agree with alderaine's reply - my local retailer only seems to get odd copies of Signs and Portents. I have to confess I haven't got round to buying an issue yet, mainly for that reason.

An errata, containing things like the clarification on ship's weapons posted here a couple of days ago for example, or a substantial B5 adventure/setting/feature would get me to actively hunt down a copy though. I did like the gamesmastering tips for the main characters.
Well I was polite the first time I asked, and that was a really looong time ago. As you can see, nothing happened and that's the reason I'm not writing very polite this second time.

(But "little Mongoose" wasn't to "belittle" them)

But seeing how fast Cybernet got an online FAQ I really got angry - if you ask me it's not very polite to let the Bab5er wait so long for an online FAQ/Errate (IF they will make one, and that's not sure at all) for so many products.

das Darke

PS @ Shadowpunk: I surely was harsh in my writing, but what you made of it was surely even more un-polite than what I wrote ;) - are you 13 and have experience with drugs? I'm sorry for you if it is so ;)
Darke: you are going to tell my that I am being impolite for pointing out that you were being a bit harsh in your statements? You are going to try and blame me because you could not seem to write in a civil tone?

No Darke: that is sad. And little-winky-smilies or not, the drug insinuation comment is simply out of line.

Man... I can certainly see why so many people that I have enjoyed reading have left these boards. I gues it will soon be time for me to join them.
@ Shadowpunk: Then we agree to disagree ;) - but if you bring in the 13-year old drug addict then don't cry if someone uses it against yourself

I'm a customer, I did ask once about an Errata polite and nothing happened so I do have the right to be harsh the second time. I paid a lot of money for the books and they are good or better BUT they do have a lot of mistakes, unclear stuff or missing stuff in it and I demand, yes: demand an Errata for all the Bab5 books.

They surely don't have to do it, but then they should accept that some customers won't buy any more Bab5 books. Only satisfied customers are customers at all.

das Darke
Ok, I'll wait a little longer - hopefully it will be sooner than later @ Errata/FAQ. ;)

And thank you for the news! It's a good sign.

das Darke
Shadowpunk said:
Man... I can certainly see why so many people that I have enjoyed reading have left these boards. I gues it will soon be time for me to join them.

Don't leave because of one anti-social poster. Most of the guys here are pretty good.
Greg Smith said:
Don't leave because of one anti-social poster. Most of the guys here are pretty good.

Sorry to correct you Greg but it's a bit over-inflated to say we're pretty good. Fantastic, perhaps... :twisted:

Good news about the FAQ Matt. I'm sure that it'll keep us 'orrible lot quiet for a while. Well, perhaps a couple of days or so...
I know there is some errors in the rule books. What I do was email the rules masters on some questions. So far I have gotten a reply every time. So I am posting them here in case they are some of the questions others have.

Mark Humphries wrote:
Having worked long and hard on the shooting ranges your character is able to aim at his targets extremely rapidly, greatly enhancing your accuracy.
Prerequisite Base Attack bonus +6
Benefit The character can aim with a ranged weapon as a standard action

Bob Roberts wrote:
the Turs Andayr feat
You have studied the dangerous art of the Crimson Dance, the knife-wielding combat style of the Minbari.
Prerequisite: 4+ ranks in Perform (dance), BAB 1+, Minbari (or Games Master's approval)
Benefit: When armed with a Minbari fighting knife in each hand, you may take a full attack action to strike the blades together during a single attack. This limits you to one attack this round and inflicts a penalty of -2 to hit, but a successful melee attack inflicts +3 damage and forces the target to make a Will Save (DC equals 10 + your ranks in Perform) or suffer a -1 circumstance penalty to attack and damage rolls for the next 2 rounds.
This penalty is cumulative, but only if it comes from other attackers with the Turs Andayr feat. The penalty is sonic-based and a target with any form of protection from sonic attack is immune to the effect (but not the additional damage).
The danger in using the Dance of Crimson comes in the possiblity of injuring yourself with its close-body manoeuvres. If the Turs Andayr special attack misses, you take your Strength bonus in slashing damage (minimum of one point) and must make the same save as listed above. If you fail, you suffer the same -1 penalty and may not attack using this feat until its detrimental effect ends.
Fantastic? I'll concede to that. :)

These boards are friendly, helpful, flame-free and clique-free. Which is why I love 'em.
ronbogard said:
I know there is some errors in the rule books. What I do was email the rules masters on some questions. So far I have gotten a reply every time.

we do try to respond to everyone, it may take a while sometimes, but we try to work something out.
[/b]Mongoose Bob wrote:
we do try to respond to everyone, it may take a while sometimes, but we try to work something out.
Well I for one would like to thank all the mongoose staff for the hard work on the B5 RPG.