Engineer Question


It seems every class gets an ability that they can only get at creation. One of my players wants to be an Engineer and it doesn't seem he gets one, it says he gets an Engineer's Kit but I'm not sure what that is. Is it just a Toolkit, Engineering from the equipment chapter that costs 50 credits?

I had a major hard drive crash this weekend, so my original files are digital vapor (ouch), but, IIRC, the Engineer's Kit was intended to give characters starting as Engineers a custom toolkit of special tools, devices, etc, which would grant a +1 bonus to all Technical-type skill checks, going up by +1 every 4 levels, so it would be +5 by 20th level. If it is lost/stolen/etc, it would take a week or so to replace/rebuild it.
Lizard said:
I had a major hard drive crash this weekend, so my original files are digital vapor (ouch), but, IIRC, the Engineer's Kit was intended to give characters starting as Engineers a custom toolkit of special tools, devices, etc, which would grant a +1 bonus to all Technical-type skill checks, going up by +1 every 4 levels, so it would be +5 by 20th level. If it is lost/stolen/etc, it would take a week or so to replace/rebuild it.

You know if that made it into the book?
Anonymous said:
Lizard said:
I had a major hard drive crash this weekend, so my original files are digital vapor (ouch), but, IIRC, the Engineer's Kit was intended to give characters starting as Engineers a custom toolkit of special tools, devices, etc, which would grant a +1 bonus to all Technical-type skill checks, going up by +1 every 4 levels, so it would be +5 by 20th level. If it is lost/stolen/etc, it would take a week or so to replace/rebuild it.

You know if that made it into the book?
It didn't make it into the book (which is why Ulairi posed the question). The Engineer has the Toolkit showing in the boxed chart, but not explained in the text. Thanks for the clarification, Lizard. I was going to run the kit with the same bonus to just Repair... but your version works for me as well. I assume the Toolkit represents as much a knack and understanding for using tools as well as a few choice tools themselves gathered up over the years. The wider option for the bonus would compensate, under those circumstances, for the fact that the Engineer could actually lose the Kit (whereas, a Leader would lose his knack with people, and therefore his adjustment to Persuasion).