As per T5 (and now Mongoose 2nd), in the OTU the M-Drive "grabs" onto nearby masses and, using gravitic shenaniganry, pushes against them and via Newton's Third Law is pushed back. It is somewhat coarse though, and because angling its thrust in directions other than directly aft (see
High Guard 2022, Page 45, 'Concealed Manoeuvre Drive') reduces its thrust significantly, it can be complicated to use it alone to land a ship via Vertical Take-Off/Landing.
Because of that, most ships have something called Lifters; they're what make G-Cars and other gravitic vehicles go. They're derived from similar (albeit simpler) gravitic technology as M-Drives, but have an upper operational limit of about 1 planetary diameter from a given planet's centre. Ships equipped with Lifters (which is most ships meant to land on planets) can use them to hover off the ground.
Not to spoil the potential/eventual
Starship Operator's Guide; but what we went with for Lifters is that, while earlier TL lifters make a somewhat whirry, buzzy sound, later TL ones are almost completely quiet. The surface of a lifter plate feels lukewarm to the touch, so if a ship strafed you, you might feel a slight warmth.
More notably, you might feel a weird sensation like that of being in an elevator that started moving up; you'll momentarily feel slightly heavier as the ship is overhead and then as it flies off you'll stop feeling it.
But further details are left for if/when the book comes out.