Drakkarim Facial Features

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Ok, we know drakkarim look just like humans. But what ethnicity are they? What are their facial features? Do they have a defined 'look' that everyone who see's them up close (assume they wear mundane clothing) can tell they are drakkarim? Or can they pass, by simply saying they are from 'that far off country south of soomerlund...etc etc'

I am running a game in which two drakkarim are going to be decieving the pc's by pretending to be wanderers on the road. Is there any reason this might not work, with regards to their looks? (for instance, in real life anyone can tell the difference between asian-americans and white american's).
Well...IIRC...according to Grant <hack, spit!> Drakkarim are s'posed to be unnaturally handsome under them skull masks.

In the gamebooks, not much is said so much about their features..in earlier books, it appears they can pass for a Sommlending human (per the encounter Lone Wolf has with one on a boat); in later books they are described as being somewhat harsh of feature. But - from context - this could be simply a result of either geographic, or ethnicities within the Drakkarim themselves.

Personally, I'd think they could look like any ethnicity in Magnamund (just like humanity as a whole). And it's reasonable to assume the Nadziranim/Liganim/Whatever can modify individual Drakkarim via magic/surgery to meet requirements for missions of subterfuge.
Holmes said:
And it's reasonable to assume the Nadziranim/Liganim/Whatever can modify individual Drakkarim via magic/surgery to meet requirements for missions of subterfuge.

Mmmmmmm, painful dark magical surgery!
If you check out the Darke Crusade all the Drakarim seemed to be pugly and brutish looking. Least, thats the way I imagined them. In my game they're harsh brutes with overdeveloped muscle structure and thicker skin than a normal human. This gives them a bit of a nat armor bonus (only a +1 or 2 at the most). Plus it makes them look/sound/feel unique. I imagine big wrestler-types with overdeveloped muscle, ugly faces and brutish. It fits their description and from all the illustrations of them under their helmet, thats what they look like.

There was another pic of an officer with his shirt off and he was all roid'ed out and ugly looking I think in book 9 or 10 of the game books.

Hope that helps.

I rather liked the Drakkarim pics from Darke Crusade so I will definitely go with them. It is possible that Drakkarim with more Sommelending or Lencian or other features would be picked out for infiltration. That said the Darklords already have some superb infiltrators in the Helghast, and the Drakkarim that had sneaked into Sommerlund seemed to keep their faces covered. I suspect that they were not going to stand up to close scrutiny but only wanted to throw of an opponent long enough to catch them off guard.