And how about these variations:
Polearm Expert [general, soldier]
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization with any polearm, Hyborian
Benefit: You can use polearms as double weapons with 5ft reach. When treating weapon as double weapon, the butt of the polearm deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage. Switching grip is a Free Action, which can only be performed once per round during your Initiative.
Special: Bardiche, Bill, Light Lance (treated as Hunting Spear), Pollaxe, Staff, and War Spear qualify as polearms for this feat.
Staff Zen [general, soldier]
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus (Staff), Khitan
Benefit: You can use as a Staff as a double weapons with 5ft reach, or as a two-handed 10ft+ reach weapon. When treating Staff as a double weapon, the butt of the Staff deals 2d4 bludgeoning damage and is treated as a Light Weapon. Switching grip is a Move Action.
Special: With Quick Draw switching grip is a Free Action, which can be performed once per round during your Initiative.
Staff Mastery [general, soldier]
Prerequisite: Staff Zen
Benefit: You can use as a Staff one-handed, with 5ft reach. You are also capable of fighting with two Staffs, one in each hand, treating both as One-Handed Weapons for purposes of Two-Weapon Combat.
I'd appreciate some feedback.
[Edited: removed Quick Draw as a requirement, in accordance with Argo's suggestions.]