Any Gms just sit and try and make a conversion chart. Just curious always wanted to see what one would look like.
also, for the person who made the complete spell list cool. But would it also be possiable to do a brief description of spell effects.
I think it is important just player knowledge and I hate to go out and buy every single book. I just got the pocket guide PDF. will take time.
but I want to know what is being cast on me so can debate if a spell causes me to gouge my own eyeballs out to the mechanical laughter of a demon toying my mind like a puppet.
also, for the person who made the complete spell list cool. But would it also be possiable to do a brief description of spell effects.
I think it is important just player knowledge and I hate to go out and buy every single book. I just got the pocket guide PDF. will take time.
but I want to know what is being cast on me so can debate if a spell causes me to gouge my own eyeballs out to the mechanical laughter of a demon toying my mind like a puppet.