D&D Spells converted to Conan vice Versa


Any Gms just sit and try and make a conversion chart. Just curious always wanted to see what one would look like.

also, for the person who made the complete spell list cool. But would it also be possiable to do a brief description of spell effects.

I think it is important just player knowledge and I hate to go out and buy every single book. I just got the pocket guide PDF. will take time.

but I want to know what is being cast on me so can debate if a spell causes me to gouge my own eyeballs out to the mechanical laughter of a demon toying my mind like a puppet.
tofu said:
Any Gms just sit and try and make a conversion chart. Just curious always wanted to see what one would look like.
There are very, very few dnd spells which are suitable for conversion to Conan. The differences in flavor are just too extreme.

I did convert Control Weather into a high-level Nature Magic spell and Wall of Fire into a high level Prestidigitation. I also used Sanctuary as inspiration for an advanced Counterspell.

That was just about all that I could take from dnd, and even then I feel that I was pushing it. However the d20 Call of Cuthulu book is a good resource for Conan spells.

I think it is important just player knowledge and I hate to go out and buy every single book. I just got the pocket guide PDF. will take time.

but I want to know what is being cast on me so can debate if a spell causes me to gouge my own eyeballs out to the mechanical laughter of a demon toying my mind like a puppet.
Wait ... you want a spell list as a player resource? :?

Oh my ... oh my no no no :lol: This is Conan, this is swords 'n sorcery. Magic is to be dark, dangerous and above all else mysterious. The only way a player ought to have any kind of idea what mechanics are involved in spellcasting is if he makes a successful Knowledge [Arcana] check in response to spellcasting. At my table I don't even let players read the magic chapter unless they are playing a sorcerer.

... also, for the person who made the complete spell list cool. But would it also be possiable to do a brief description of spell effects.

If you download the Word document I made of the Spell List, you will see that there really isn't much room left over for descriptions. I wish there was...
ARGO not saying you would not going so much into game mechanics of spells such as range, duration etc. just a brief explanation of effects.
reason for this say get an evil GM. says someone cast .hmm Ruin of Jhebbal sag. DM says roll a Reflex save. you roll a 3 GM goes sorry give me your character sheet you have to reroll a new one. Your soul is forever trapped in the ruin and no magic can ever let you out.

Ok A player not knowing any better knew to Conan like me who never reads the Spells might believe that.I havenot read all the spells. I did read this one
is some geas like spell Picts use to alert others their in the area. Is what I gather just glanced over the Spell.

Reason asking a brief ,very brief summary of effects. So you know what to expect.Not saying a gm would cheat but never know.
tofu said:
(The) reason for this say get an evil GM. (This evil GM) says someone cast(s) .hmm Ruin of Jhebbal sag. DM (GM) says roll a Reflex save. you roll a 3 (and the) GM goes (says,") sorry give me your character sheet you have to reroll a new one. Your soul is forever trapped in the ruin and no magic can ever let you out.

Since the spell in the book is RUNE of Jhebbal Sag, I don't see why the GM couldn't make up a spell called RUIN of Jhebbal Sag that does just what you describe. (Do you know the difference between a "rune" and a "ruin"?)

tofu said:
Ok(,) A player not knowing any better knew (new) to Conan like me who never reads the Spells might believe that.I havenot (have not) read all the spells. I did read this one (.)
(It) is some geas(-) like spell Picts use to alert others their (they're) in the area. (This) Is what I gather (having) just glanced over the Spell.

First of all, that is not what Rune of Jhebbal Sag does. You may want to re-read the spell.

Second, do you really think Conan knows the basic idea behind all the spells? No. If the GM is that type of GM, then he must have a story goal behind it or you really need a GM that knows the rules. Fortunately, I have never played with an "evil" GM. Unless you are playing with elementary school kids, I doubt you have reason to worry about this.

tofu said:
Reason asking a brief ,very brief summary of effects. So you know what to expect.Not saying a gm would cheat but never know.

Players should not know what to expect. I feel that is part of the fun of being a player. The only GMs who would do what you are describing would likely have the emotional maturity of a grade school bully.
Good Show Vincent, and you set my mind at ease.As well as fixed my Grammer=),Let us just hope I meet no bullys and If worried about it all I need to do is buy 2 books every other week until have them all.

Then and only then read spells I may have questions to.

Or maybe GM will tell me the information if I need to know.

Rune hmm= Marking ,something like a hyroglyphic,Focus object of a spell.

Ruin=Decayed piece of Land or Building.Or Buildings "Mounds of rubble laid strewen across the Ruins of Korgath."Ruin.ed,Ruin.ing

my definitions anyway not sure Websters agrees will have to see how he defines them another time maybe.
And um vincent did you see my attempt at humor on your artwork of liv Tyler,or did you chose to ignore it?
Not ridiculeing trying to break a smile she after all she was a Elf in the new line cinemas LOTR. Seris. Arawen.(Check Spelling).

Didnot know she had a Son how cool.
tofu said:
And um vincent did you see my attempt at humor on your artwork of liv Tyler,or did you chose to ignore it?
Not ridiculeing trying to break a smile she after all she was a Elf in the new line cinemas LOTR. Seris. Arawen.(Check Spelling).

Didnot know she had a Son how cool.

I didn't reply to it because it was off-topic in that thread, although I do appreciate comments on my artwork and/or short stories. Since you started this thread, I guess you can knock this one off-topic if you want.
argo said:
However the d20 Call of Cuthulu book is a good resource for Conan spells.

Definately! I looked through these myself and really liked a lot of the spells and could see a use for them in Conan. Usually the only thing you'll need to tweak is the prerequisites for the spell, and its power point cost. The rest of the spell's info should work as is.
Indeed, CoC provides many fine spells. Most of which are highly suitable to let PCs locate in crumbling manuscripts! I might even let the PCs learn them in addition to their usual allotment of spells! Contact Hound of Tindalos as a free extra spell! Hoe cool would that be?

Actually that might tip them off...