Okay, I just picked up this book -- Cormac Mac Art, published by Baen in 1995 with an introduction by David Drake. The following stories are in the book:
The Land Toward Sunset
Tigers of the Sea
Swords of the Northern Sea
The Night of the Wolf
The Temple of Abomination
The Temple of Abominatin (outline)
The "Notes on the Text" by Drake says that "Swords fo the Northern Sea" and "Night of the Wolf" are entirely written by Howard (although not published during his lifetime) and "Land Toward Sunset" is "entirely pastiche"... presumably by Drake? Meanwhile, "Tigers of the Sea" is apparently a story written by Howard and completed by Drake. The last two are apparently entirely by Howard although the first one is incomplete and the second one simply gives an idea of how Howard would have finished it.
So, I have two questions:
1. How many Cormac Mac Art stories did Howard write and can anyone direct me to a list of them?
2. Why the F did Baen publish a book called Cormac Mac Art with only two lousy Howard stories in it?
2a. Why did I buy such a book? :roll:
Edit: As an interesting side note for those who care about such things... in the introduction Drake says that his first published novel, Dragon Lord, was actually a Cormac Mac Art novel he was asked to write but which never got published. For those who have read it, as I have, you might even notice that it sticks much closer to the pulp concept (if that is a useful term) than any of Drake's later work -- with the possible exception of his early Hammer's Slammers stories.
The Land Toward Sunset
Tigers of the Sea
Swords of the Northern Sea
The Night of the Wolf
The Temple of Abomination
The Temple of Abominatin (outline)
The "Notes on the Text" by Drake says that "Swords fo the Northern Sea" and "Night of the Wolf" are entirely written by Howard (although not published during his lifetime) and "Land Toward Sunset" is "entirely pastiche"... presumably by Drake? Meanwhile, "Tigers of the Sea" is apparently a story written by Howard and completed by Drake. The last two are apparently entirely by Howard although the first one is incomplete and the second one simply gives an idea of how Howard would have finished it.
So, I have two questions:
1. How many Cormac Mac Art stories did Howard write and can anyone direct me to a list of them?
2. Why the F did Baen publish a book called Cormac Mac Art with only two lousy Howard stories in it?
2a. Why did I buy such a book? :roll:
Edit: As an interesting side note for those who care about such things... in the introduction Drake says that his first published novel, Dragon Lord, was actually a Cormac Mac Art novel he was asked to write but which never got published. For those who have read it, as I have, you might even notice that it sticks much closer to the pulp concept (if that is a useful term) than any of Drake's later work -- with the possible exception of his early Hammer's Slammers stories.