Concerning the Age of Dreadnoughts errata


Cosmic Mongoose
I'm thinking of taking the plunge back into a mongoose system with AOD, (I used to play a lot of B5 ACTA back in the day) and I have just one question before I splash out and get the PDF.

When you buy the pdf are all the corrections listed in the errata corrected, or will I need to print out a copy of the errata to go with the rulebook. Just wondering as this will be my first time buying a pdf.


PS. Ok after a bit more thought I've decided to make it two questions. :lol:

How good are the fleet lists in regards to pre-dread era ships? As this is the era that I'm really interested in gaming. Not to say dreads won't ever grace our table, but I've always had a big interest in the 1904-05 Russia Japan war, and an itch to have fleets of armored cruisers and pre dreads. (Last time in Japan I even treked down to Yokosuka to see the Mikasa.)

Also from looking at the free peek on the web page I'm guessing that keeping an eye on the in service dates is important for AOD. I'm not sure how well a battle level predread could handle two raid level battle cruisers.
I believe there is an expansion being worked on for that era. Now how far it has moved I dont know since Im helping with the VAS 2.0 rules and not following it, but it is planned for the future. Also you can request certain ships to be statted out and if allowed we can publish them here. I know there is enough interest for this era to create it.
As for equality of ships I compare the stats of size, hits and guns to compare equal play value. Also not all battles are equal if you are fighting historical battles so that is not always a concern when playing.
As for updates. The PDFs are updated according to Matt, but if not yet you can use the posted updates here to add to your rules. Which is a plan here for the future of producing good up to date info and errata.
Cheers Dude

I'm looking forward to that expansion, but what's in the main book should keep us occupied for the time being.
If you get the main book (AOD WWI) and the first expansion you have everything you need for any WWI scenario. Some people are running the early what if games also. Are you looking at WWI or WWII?
As you can see theres good stuff below.


Spanning the entire First World War, Age of Dreadnoughts is a complete naval miniatures game based on the hit Victory at Sea rules system. Now you can play out these confrontations on the tabletop with entire fleets drawn from the Royal Navy’s Grand Fleet, the Kaiserliche Marine’s Hochseeflotte or any one of the many other nations featured.


Far Flung Seas is a supplement for Victory at Sea: Age of Dreadnoughts WWI naval miniatures rules. Comprising additional fleet lists, Far Flung Seas rounds out the major protagonists of the Great War.


The Second World War saw naval warfare evolve from the clash of mighty dreadnaughts, which had been the preoccupation of navies for half a century, to a conflict dominated by the aircraft carrier and submarine.


The first essential supplement to the popular Victory at Sea naval wargame. Adding to the rules and fleet lists, greatly expanding upon the original rulebook and enhancing the gaming experience.
I picked up Age of Dreadnoughts and Far Flungs Seas yesterday, but I havn't had a chance to give them a good read through yet.

WW1 and predread naval warfare are what I find interesting, so these two should keep me busy for a while. Between the fleet lists in both books I should be able to put together some good 1904-1905 scenarios, and the dreadnought era stuff does look like fun.
Cool Im a WWII guys since I have a ton of ships but would play WWI if I owned any ships. So Im glad you found what your looking for. Have fun and if I can help just let me know.
Banichi said:
How good are the fleet lists in regards to pre-dread era ships? As this is the era that I'm really interested in gaming. Not to say dreads won't ever grace our table, but I've always had a big interest in the 1904-05 Russia Japan war, and an itch to have fleets of armored cruisers and pre dreads. (Last time in Japan I even treked down to Yokosuka to see the Mikasa.)

Re - Russo-Japanese war 1904-5
I'm currently working through which ships are already in the AoD or FFS books and which are not. I intend to produce stats for all the ones not in them, but were present at either the siege of Port Arthur or Tsushima.

I've already worked out the formulae for calculating the values (see my previous post "WW1: Data Sheets for older ships not in the rules books.") as it contains my first attempt, HMS Majestic.
I have to do some fine tuning to allow for Barr & Stroud rangefinders, etc.
Plus the Secondary and Tertiary guns still need tweaking, their values seem more generous in the FFS book than in AoD, and since they featured heavily in the fighting. Mikasa and her sisters are in FFS, and being basically a modified Majestic design, should be more similar.
Approx. half the ships at Port Arthur and Tsushima are already in the Mongoose books, on both sides.
I'll try to publish lists and stats, once they are typed :-)

I am currently using the following books as my prime sources of info:
Russo-Japanese Naval War 1905: Vol 1 (MMP, Maritime Series) - Piotr Olender
Russo-Japanese Naval War 1905: Vol 2 (MMP, Maritime Series) - Piotr Olender
Russian Battleship Vs Japanese Battleship: Yellow Sea 1904-05 (Osprey, Duel) - Robert Forczyk
Conways 1860 - 1906
Janes Fighting Ships of WW1
Janes Fighting Ships 1904 - 1905 (on order)
Janes Fighting Ships 1905 - 1906 (on order)

However, if you're really dedicated (lets face it you've seen the Mikasa), the Japanese TV series "Clouds over the Hill" does a really good job of presenting the history of the Meiji period. Season 3 is the siege of Port Arthur and battle of Tsushima. It's hard to watch if you don't speak Japanese, since the subtitles are not up to the usual standard. It seems to be very true to the actual history but if anything they underplay the heroism of some of the Japanese characters. Takeo Hirose is an example of an understated hero.