concealed items in cybernet?


how does that work? i mostly find refrences to a part that dont exist (like say when you look at concealed holsters).

im sure it have something to do with spot and/or search but neither cover it specificly so does anyone have any ideas?
hobgoblin said:
how does that work? i mostly find refrences to a part that dont exist (like say when you look at concealed holsters).

im sure it have something to do with spot and/or search but neither cover it specificly so does anyone have any ideas?

If you are talking about the hoslter options for cyberlimbs then the search DC (i use this as a spot DC in some circumstances) are listed by grade on page 198.

If you are talking about concealable holsters that you where (not installed in cybernetics) I use a spot/search roll opposed by slieght of hand roll with the approiate modifiers for armour and size of the weapon. With a min of a DC of 10 for shoulder holsters and 15 for waistban/boot holsters. The 15 for the waitban/boot/other small places holsters might be a tad high but I am still messing with the numbers.


heh, i was more thinking about what happend to the concealed items rules in general but then i recalled that damn this game is based on the d20modern SRD with some rules bloted on (on offence, you cna hardly see the edges ;) ) and so dug out the d20 modern book i had picked up. all the info i was looking for was in there and i guess that they can be nicely ported over...
hobgoblin said:
heh, i was more thinking about what happend to the concealed items rules in general but then i recalled that damn this game is based on the d20modern SRD with some rules bloted on (on offence, you cna hardly see the edges ;) ) and so dug out the d20 modern book i had picked up. all the info i was looking for was in there and i guess that they can be nicely ported over...

I haven't seen those rules...I may have to borrow a copy of modern if they aren't in the MSRD.
