CONAN RPG Atlantean Edition books for sale

Hello again!
I used to go by the old handle "Yogah of Yag" a long time ago when there was a separate CONAN RPG forum, but it looks like that has gone the way of the Hyborian Age. :( I used to be a very active forum member, but have lost touch. I will be selling off my entire collection of Conan RPG books, all of which are still in minty, shiny-new condition. They are all listed on Amazon for those who may want to take advantage of this limited-time deal.

If anyone wants to ping me with questions it would be better to get ahold of me via email (xaltotun01...{at}{{dot}}com), because I will likely not be back here again. Just put "CONAN RPG books" in the subject-line so the filter doesn't trash the mail.

As many of you may already know the cover art posted on Amazon is not what MPG actually used, so...there's that.

All books are in new condition. I live in the mid-US. Standard shipping.

Best wishes to all CONAN RPG fans from back in the early 2000s (if anyone still lurks here)!

Mach5RR said:
Out of curiosity, does your copy of Shadizar have the corrected map? (The one you had to ask for?)

Yes, it has the corrected map AND the older map that came with it originally.

Please note that THE ROAD OF KINGS and the SHADIZAR boxed set are no longer available.