Conan pbp or other onlne games running?

If you can find a willing GM, you could start one here - after all, we have B5 and Slaine, why not Conan?

(needless to say, I'd be up for it - the Conan game I was playing on RPOL just folded :( )
Paluka said:
slaughterj said:
I'm playing in one 8)

Haha, somehow this isn't really that helpful. Could you tell me what site it is being run on and maybe if it needs new players?

Hey, at least you found it funny ;) It's on, but full of PCs currently. There's another site I'm trying to remember that someone might be running a game on, but I can't remember the site name?!
I've been thinking about starting an online game soon. My gaming group will not stop with D&D so I'm pretty much going to have to do the online thing. I'm giving my players time to find a new DM to replace me since I'm tired of running D&D. Then I will be focusing on Conan as my game of choice. I need to reread the rulebook again and think of some stories, then I'll be ready to start up a game.

I'm going to have to see if I can find an epic level kobol monk somewhere in the universe to inhabit the forest my group is exploring. They're level 12 and have a bad habit of beating up evil things that are "easy" to kill. Maybe this will help me get a head start on Conan.
Mayhem said:
If you can find a willing GM, you could start one here - after all, we have B5 and Slaine, why not Conan?

(needless to say, I'd be up for it - the Conan game I was playing on RPOL just folded :( )

Me too!!!
what character where you playing?, i was playing belkregos of couser :)
Anonymous said:
Mayhem said:
If you can find a willing GM, you could start one here - after all, we have B5 and Slaine, why not Conan?

(needless to say, I'd be up for it - the Conan game I was playing on RPOL just folded :( )

Me too!!!
what character where you playing?, i was playing belkregos of couser :)

forgot to log in :)
Mayhem said:
If you can find a willing GM, you could start one here - after all, we have B5 and Slaine, why not Conan?

(needless to say, I'd be up for it - the Conan game I was playing on RPOL just folded :( )

Ah, RPOL was the site I was trying to think of - seems the best one from what group controls and dice rolling are available, and that's where I'd run a game at.
Yes, if you read the ooc shonuff was unable to continue with running it due to extensive RL issues. However, do not let that stop you from running a game there...I would, (and have considered it for more than a year), but I am already running a lone wolf game there and have little time remaining to narrate another. Heck, perhaps you could run Black Stones of Kovang Re, with modifications.

Xex...aka...Quan Chi. (hee hee hee)
I would run one, but I'm running a tabletop conan game, and online D&D game, and an online Underground game.

And playing in 2 D&D games and a Mutants and Masterminds Game.

I've got time to play more, but I'm really not looking to take on any more GMing!
Mayhem said:
I would run one, but I'm running a tabletop conan game, and online D&D game, and an online Underground game.

And playing in 2 D&D games and a Mutants and Masterminds Game.

I've got time to play more, but I'm really not looking to take on any more GMing!

Run your tabletop Conan game online! Less work, and you get to fix whatever things you didn't like the first time!
Coroleer said:
Anonymous said:
Me too!!!
what character where you playing?, i was playing belkregos of couser :)

You moonlighting, Belk?

- Stefan (Harith)

:shock: :lol:

yep, i was using the same character :) this group was 4th level and was suposed to be somewhere in Zamora,
the game was getting good when it fell apart :?
well, it was fun,
Landos Game is picking up 8)