Conan - Lurking cover ...


So, what's wrong with this cover?

I hope that's not the proper cover.

Maybe they're pulling an putting up a stock cover until the contracted artwork is ready to promote the product. Haven't they posted covers for other pending releases that proved to be replaced by "official" covers as the product became ready to be sold?

(My reference is that most of the images for Conan products in have cover images that aren't the actual product cover).

Maybe they figured that a basic stock image was better for advertising the product than no image at all?
Bregales said:
Maybe they're pulling an putting up a stock cover until the contracted artwork is ready to promote the product. Haven't they posted covers for other pending releases that proved to be replaced by "official" covers as the product became ready to be sold?

(My reference is that most of the images for Conan products in have cover images that aren't the actual product cover).

Maybe they figured that a basic stock image was better for advertising the product than no image at all?

I'm slightly more concerned with the title. :shock:

I believe Nemedians scholars commented on the levels of Terror and if you reach the pinnacle, the title of 'Harrow' is bestowed upon you after an elaborate ritual & feast of virgins and proofreaders. Rare but true. :lol:
A lascivious husband sacrifices his fat, grumpy wife to this Thing That Lurks in exchange for the services of a shapely demoness but the gorgeous succubus refuses to remain loyal to the man and is sucking the souls out of as many people as she can, turning his home into a dark bordello he has no desire to be a part of. This bordello, in turn, supplies a certain tavern with fresh meat served to a cult devoted to The Thing That Lurks.
Sounds like one of my group's recent adventurers, although Akriphon admitted that turning his tavern into a bordello hadn't entered his mind until he read this product description, the whole sacrifes being turned into meals sounded a little too familiar to me :P

(Sounds a little like "Titus Andronicus"?)
remind me if I ever play in one of your games to bring munchies :shock: or it sounds like the newest member becames the munchies :twisted:
toothill man said:
remind me if I ever play in one of your games to bring munchies :shock: or it sounds like the newest member becames the munchies :twisted:
Always a good idea. It seems in every game I ask, "Are you serious" or "Do you say that?" (after the first couple queries, I just go with the pattern they establish unless they qualify it ["I'm speaking out of game-"]). I also usually say "Oh my god." :wink:
I've just read the blurb for this. It sounds brilliant. One question though. Will Shadizar: City of Wickedness be needed to run the adventure?
Who knows :?: They usually don't see any of the production design before the product is completed. As we learned regarding the Shadizar map fiasco & switcheroo, once they submit their writings they usually just wait until the product is released, and don't have much if any say on packaging/marketing/etc.
The Lurker Cover *AND* its current description are erroneous. Stay tuned for the actual product information and hopefully the saucy new cover art.

Thanks for bein' patient folks!
