Conan d20 for Barsoom?


Anybody interested in making a Barsoom version of the Conan rules? I've toyed with a few ideas, but I thought I'd ask if somebody else have had the same brilliant ide :)
Jarkko said:
Anybody interested in making a Barsoom version of the Conan rules? I've toyed with a few ideas, but I thought I'd ask if somebody else have had the same brilliant ide :)

I feel old asking but what the heck is "Barsoom"?

Jarkko said:
Anybody interested in making a Barsoom version of the Conan rules? I've toyed with a few ideas, but I thought I'd ask if somebody else have had the same brilliant ide :)

Nope. :lol:


GhostWolf69 said:
I feel old asking but what the heck is "Barsoom"?

You are either very young or you do not read early 20th century fantasy if you do not know Barsoom ;)

The question is sort of a trick question: If you do not know Barsoom, then why should you bother :p

However, as I am too old to be cruel, Barsoom is the Martian name for Mars in ERB's books.
Jarkko said:
However, as I am too old to be cruel, Barsoom is the Martian name for Mars in ERB's books.

Yeah I checked it. I've missed this one entierly it seems... and judging from the reviews it's no wonder, and probably just as good I did.

Though I've played around in the fantasy-rpg-sci-fi hobby for some 30 years it all depends how deep one sinks I guess.

GhostWolf69 said:
I've missed this one entierly it seems... and judging from the reviews it's no wonder, and probably just as good I did.
Ahhh, you are refering to the same reviewers that tell us that REH's Conan is crap?

Never-the-less, IMO it is difficult to argue against something you do not know anything about ;) I have played RPG/sci-fi for just 24 years and my hobby began after I read books from JRRT, REH and ERB, but I still can only tell with pleases me and my tastes from my own experience :)
Jarkko said:
Ahhh, you are refering to the same reviewers that tell us that REH's Conan is crap?

Probably. And in a way I agree.

One more note, I didn't read JRRT until like three years ago... I didn't read REH untill now... neither of these facts stoped me from being a Fantasy, sci-fi, rpg geek for 30 years.

GhostWolf69 said:
One more note, I didn't read JRRT until like three years ago... I didn't read REH untill now... neither of these facts stoped me from being a Fantasy, sci-fi, rpg geek for 30 years.

:shock: the though boggles my mind... poor Wolfie... poor, poor Wolfie...

Please tell me that you've read some Fritz Leiber at least? Although I hadn't until 2 years ago. :D


ERB Barsoom novels are now public doman, go to the Gutenberg project and you can download and read them for free.

Conan would probably make a good base for Barsoom, but then it would make a good base for many similar settings, anyone else remember Gor (John Norman), and with almost no effort Conan RPG could be Tarzan RPG (the books, not the silly movies with Johnny Weissmuller, or Buster Crabbe
Jarkko said:
Anybody interested in making a Barsoom version of the Conan rules? I've toyed with a few ideas, but I thought I'd ask if somebody else have had the same brilliant ide :)

Already doing it :D

Have no intention of doing a full conversion, but I'm running an online game using the D20 modern rules, but also using the Conan Dodge/Parry rules and rules for fate-points.
Yokiboy said:
GhostWolf69 said:
One more note, I didn't read JRRT until like three years ago... I didn't read REH untill now... neither of these facts stoped me from being a Fantasy, sci-fi, rpg geek for 30 years.

:shock: the though boggles my mind... poor Wolfie... poor, poor Wolfie...

Please tell me that you've read some Fritz Leiber at least? Although I hadn't until 2 years ago. :D



Gods honest truth. I'm like that sometimes. Don't ask me why. I probably have a broken DNA-spiral to blame or something. I've read Assimov, Heinlein, Dick, Gibson, Le Guin, Clarke, Barker, Lovecraft, Poe, Ellison, Brust, Zelazny, Abbey, Brunner, Morris, Wells, Huxley, Scott-Card, Buroughs, and so on and so forth. But for some reason I stayed away from REH. Honestly it never intrigued me.

I'm reading it right now, but if it wasn't for my want of Conan inspiration for the RPG scene it wouldn't intrigue me now either... Apart from some curious Lovecraftian parallells, that I like. But they are classics... so it has to be done.

Oh, and a correction is in order: I did read "The Hobbit" when I was a kid. But nothing else by JRRT until three years ago.

I guess I was too buissy playing RPG's to get time to read all I wanted to?
