Yokiboy said:
GhostWolf69 said:
One more note, I didn't read JRRT until like three years ago... I didn't read REH untill now... neither of these facts stoped me from being a Fantasy, sci-fi, rpg geek for 30 years.
:shock: the though boggles my mind... poor Wolfie... poor, poor Wolfie...
Please tell me that you've read some Fritz Leiber at least? Although I hadn't until 2 years ago.
Gods honest truth. I'm like that sometimes. Don't ask me why. I probably have a broken DNA-spiral to blame or something. I've read Assimov, Heinlein, Dick, Gibson, Le Guin, Clarke, Barker, Lovecraft, Poe, Ellison, Brust, Zelazny, Abbey, Brunner, Morris, Wells, Huxley, Scott-Card, Buroughs, and so on and so forth. But for some reason I stayed away from REH. Honestly it never intrigued me.
I'm reading it right now, but if it wasn't for my want of Conan inspiration for the RPG scene it wouldn't intrigue me now either... Apart from some curious Lovecraftian parallells, that I like. But they are classics... so it has to be done.
Oh, and a correction is in order: I did read "The Hobbit" when I was a kid. But nothing else by JRRT until three years ago.
I guess I was too buissy playing RPG's to get time to read all I wanted to?