Conan comic


I just finished reading the new Conan comic from Dark Horse and I like it! From what I understand, they (artist, writer, etc) are going to try to keep it faithful to Howards stories. Not having read all of them (reading the collection now), I can't comment on that, but it does look good. I think they are going to work in all of the stories with issues in between leading up to those adventures. For instance, next issue is The Frost Giant's Daughter. Did anyone else pick this up and what do you think?
I've picked it up and read it and can say that I enjoyed it. My friends at the local comic shop gave it a good review and I bought issue #1 today and put in a subscription for the following issues. I've also picked up Conan Chronicles volume 1 and am enjoying reading it. Will probably acquire the other ones as time goes on. I'm rereading my novel collection too, preparing to play and run a online game of Conan as well. :)

I'd recommend the new comic, the artist/writer seems to be a Conan fan and looks to be very good.
Got it yesterday and it is very well done. Wish it was longer though. Can't wait for the next.
I enjoyed it immensely. The art was top-notch, and the "Conan: Year One" approach is a nice one - seeing our Cimmerian hero as a cocky youth, eager to learn all he can of the world.
Count me in as another fan of the Comic. I was a touch disappointed at first when I saw it was a "new" story, but as I read through and realized this was a leadup to "Frost Giant's Daughter" I was psyched.

I must also (as others have) heap praises on the artwork. As soon as I started reading the prequel, I was thinking to myself "if anyone can come close to matching Frazetta's Conan, this guy is The One", and I don't think I'm far off in this regard. The art is dynamic and colorful, but it keeps that rugged, rough-hewn look that for me is the hallmark of Frazetta greatness.
I was a little under impressed by Issue #0, but I decided to give issue #1 a try anyhow. And I am vary glad I did. I just read it last night and I loved it!
Badelaire said:
Count me in as another fan of the Comic. I was a touch disappointed at first when I saw it was a "new" story, but as I read through and realized this was a leadup to "Frost Giant's Daughter" I was psyched.

I guess my view is just the opposite. I loved the comic, but I was a bit disappointed when I found that the next issue would be a retelling of "Frost Giant's Daughter." I've been there, done that and I would love to read new stories. Here's hoping Kurt Busiak will use his quite excellent imagination and bring us original Conan stories.
I guess my view is just the opposite. I loved the comic, but I was a bit disappointed when I found that the next issue would be a retelling of "Frost Giant's Daughter." I've been there, done that and I would love to read new stories. Here's hoping Kurt Busiak will use his quite excellent imagination and bring us original Conan stories.
Actually, from what I hear he’ll be doing both new stories and old, sort filling in the missing tales between Howard’s works but retelling Howard’s stories as well. He’s working hard to stay true to Howard’s Conan. Between this and the RPG it’s a good time to be a Conan fan!
And yes as others have mentioned the Artwork is amazing. I’ve been a fan of Cary Nord since I first saw his work on some of the DC/Marvel Amalgam issues. It great to see the guy finally get the recognition he deserves.
I just picked up issue #1 last night and read it. I really, really enjoyed the entire book. I especially enjoyed reading the text about Howard in the back. I'm just getting into Conan (I know, shame on me), but I'm loving every minute of it. I watched the Robert E. Howard movie the other night with Vincent. That was an awesome ride. :) I'm really looking forward to more issues of the comic. I'm not a big nitpicker on comic art, but I didn't have any complaints about the artwork in issue #1, it was very enjoyable through the entire issue.
For those of you who got #1, be sure you get #0 as well (in case you didn't know about it). The Conan comic seems good so far, haven't gotten comics in about 10 years, so I've notice some major changes in their style! I wished they had started just before the sack of Venarium personally...
slaughterj said:
For those of you who got #1, be sure you get #0 as well (in case you didn't know about it). The Conan comic seems good so far, haven't gotten comics in about 10 years, so I've notice some major changes in their style! I wished they had started just before the sack of Venarium personally...

I read that they want to try to keep the stories as close to Howard's canon as possible. Since Venarium isn't mentioed in any of Howard's stuff you probably wont see it in the comic. It's intersting that they're not using the Miller/Clark chronology thpough...
Mythos said:
My gut tells me that we will see the Venarium story told. Possibly as a flashback.

Marvel's "Conan the Adventurer" started out with Venarium, and it was an interesting take on Conan's younger years. It wasn't technically Howard's storyline, but it was decent.
Mij said:
slaughterj said:
For those of you who got #1, be sure you get #0 as well (in case you didn't know about it). The Conan comic seems good so far, haven't gotten comics in about 10 years, so I've notice some major changes in their style! I wished they had started just before the sack of Venarium personally...

I read that they want to try to keep the stories as close to Howard's canon as possible. Since Venarium isn't mentioed in any of Howard's stuff you probably wont see it in the comic. It's intersting that they're not using the Miller/Clark chronology thpough...

Interesting, Venarium is at least mentioned in Beyond the Black River by Howard, but I wasn't sure where the reference to the sack of Venarium is from?
Dark Horse has an online preview of issue #2 for those who have not seen the comic books, like me, but were curious about the art. :o
slaughterj said:
Interesting, Venarium is at least mentioned in Beyond the Black River by Howard, but I wasn't sure where the reference to the sack of Venarium is from?

Oh yeah....

*goes to re-read BtBR*

Mij said:
Since Venarium isn't mentioed in any of Howard's stuff you probably wont see it in the comic.

'But the Picts are divided into small clans,' persisted Balthus. 'They'll never unite. We can whip any single clan.'

'Or any three or four clans,' admitted the slayer. 'But some day a man will rise and unite thirty or forty clans, just as was done among the Cimmerians, when the Gundermen tried to push the border northward, years ago. They tried to colonize the southern marches of Cimmeria: destroyed a few small clans, built a forttown, Venarium - you've heard the tale.'

'So I have indeed,' replied Balthus, wincing. The memory of that red disaster was a black blot in the chronicles of a proud and war-like people. 'My uncle was at Venarium when the Cimmerians swarmed over the walls. He was one of the few who escaped that slaughter. I've heard him tell the tale, many a time. The barbarians swept out over the hills in a ravening horde, without warning, and stormed Venarium with such fury none could stand before them. Men, women and children were butchered. Venarium was reduced to a mass of charred ruins, as it is to this day. The Aquilonians were driven back across the marches, and have never since tried to colonize the Cimmerian country. But you speak of Venarium familiarly. Perhaps you were there?'

'I was,' grunted the other. 'I was one of the horde that swarmed over the walls. I hadn't yet seen fifteen snows, but already my name was repeated about the council fires.'

Balthus involutarily recoiled, staring. It seemed incredible that the man walking tranquilly at his side should have been one of those screeching, blood-mad devils that poured over the walls of Venarium on that long-gone day to make her streets run crimson.

Beyond the Black River, Robert E. Howard.
I think the original poster who mentioned Venarium's absence in REH's Conan meant we didn't have a story that took place there, not that it wasn't meanioned at all. At least, that's what I took their comments to mean. I never felt that the Adventurer's use of Venarium was a bad thing, but then again, I'm pretty open to the comic's use of Conan history, at least as long as it wasn't just stupid. As long as it is "filling in the gaps" as opposed to "rewriting everything".
Howard loved to start his Conan stories with action and then add a little backstory. Many of them begin with Conan in a fight, having just finished a fight, running from someone, or chasing someone.
The Venarium story's presentation was part of that literary style. It was glimpsed at and described enough in various other stories that it gave the reader the feeling they knew what went on there without having to read a detailed account.
If anyone really needs to read the story of Venarium, Harry Turtledove's novel deals with that event.
The problem is, Turtledove did not do his research before writting the book. He changes the landscape, ignores established material about Cimmerians and fails to disply any connection to Howard's character.