[Conan] Combat options for level 1 scholar.


Which good combat options exist for a starting scholar, without multiclassing? I though of two (posting below), anybody knows more?

First is Blinding Dust from Barbaric Treasures (mix of pepper, dust and similar). Costs only 5 sp per 10 uses, and blinds the opponent for 1d6 rounds. Level 1 scholar can take both Improved Initiative feats, for +8 Init, and assuming good Dexterity (can get +4 with Calm of the Adept on), he can keep the opponent blind for most of the fight. The follow up at level 3 will probably be Ambush feat, to give the scholar extra use for high Init (allows the scholar to take move and full round actions in surprise round).

Second is for Khitan scholar. If he takes Improved Unarmed Strike as racial feat, he can take then Improved Grapple as base feat, and either Defensive Martial Arts (+2 to grapple) or Slippery (use Dex instead of Str for grapple checks)for favored class feat. Khitan scholar with Clam of the Adept can get up to +5 Dex bonus at level 1, so depending on feat scholar should have between +6 and +9 attack bonus when grappling. Should be pretty effective, specially which Choke combat maneuver.