Conan blogs and campaign journals

Here's the link to the thread I started for my Saturday Conan group. We haven't played in a while, and there's a big change in the works, but I've got several adentures posted in here. Feel free to ask any questions about it. Warning, it's a LONG read! :D
The Story So Far....
A few days ago I put up a few Conan related pages--not a blog, mind you, but I will build to it in the near future. On it I will post house rules, my own (N)PC stat write-ups, ideas, etc. I've got it to play music in the background, but the load time for the tunes is long, so be patient. It is at

(It is maximized for 1024x768 resolution, so it may look odd with 800x600 or other screens.)
Thanks for the mention. The blog was started in an effort to get everyone on the same page before they all show up for the first night, as well as keep those players with, um, infrequent attendance, in the know. We are scheduled to start our first night on Thursday with two of six players unable to attend. So if I can remember the stinking password, I'll be starting post game-night updates. These will be designed to keep every thing that happened fresh in everyone's mind, and also perhaps reveal the occasional "so that's why that happened" secret.

As it progresses, I'll try to post something here reporting how successful this project was.
tuco said:
Thanks for the mention. The blog was started in an effort to get everyone on the same page before they all show up for the first night, as well as keep those players with, um, infrequent attendance, in the know. We are scheduled to start our first night on Thursday with two of six players unable to attend. So if I can remember the stinking password, I'll be starting post game-night updates. These will be designed to keep every thing that happened fresh in everyone's mind, and also perhaps reveal the occasional "so that's why that happened" secret.

As it progresses, I'll try to post something here reporting how successful this project was.
Sure, actually if you start your own group's thread (new topic) I or you can put the link to your page in this thread. As a collection of everyone's blogs and journals, this works best as a way to get to everyone's own threads, or your own if it's been a while since you posted and you can't remember where it is. 8)
Darth Mikey said:

Dr. Skull's were good.

I haven't seen the good doctor around here for a while, but the adventures he posted were well done. I'm jealous of The Lost Garrison. I wish I'd thought of it.
Here's the thread where Dr. Skull wrote up the adventure journal:
Three Against the Oasis of the Damned.

And another entry for Real Play: Our Group goes through Lost Garrison.

And as Darth Mikey posted above, Dr. Skull's webpage Campaign Journal for the adventures his group ran through, so use this one to read all that his group did! Dr. Skull's Conan Cult.
Arkobla Conn wrote several recaps of his groups' adventures in separate threads. Here they are (note that I couldn't find an entry Session 1 before the first thread here):That's all that I found by Arkobla Conn. By the way, Hyboria.Xoth.Net has a page for converting the Messopotamia book used in several sessions above. It can be found at: Hope Conn doesn't mind, and hope this helps! 8)