Conan and the shadow of the sorcerer?

The King

Cosmic Mongoose
When is Conan and the shadow of the sorcerer expected? There is no hint or link to some text on the Conan RPG page. This is getting problematic.
Hmm, it's become an ongoing joke between myself and my brother about the release date. It was meant to be last May. Now January...

P.S. No disrespect towards Jason, who's apparently finished it. I blame "The Man". :wink:
Excellent cover! This is promising. It's actually going to be released! It wasn't a myth. By Crom!

P.S. Why isn't this on the Conan part of the site, which would seem like the most logical place?
I know that initialy the project was delayed to the author illness and it should have been set for September, then it was October, then December and eventually January.
Until now, we had only rather small scenarios and this campaign should give a real thrust to Conan rpg.
Lucius said:
P.S. No disrespect towards Jason, who's apparently finished it. I blame "The Man". :wink:
Address all disrespect to me. The lateness is entirely my fault. I have valid reasons, but the deadline was blown in a spectacular fashion and for that I am truly sorry.

"The Man" has been a model of understanding and patience, leavened only ever-so-slightly by having soccer hooligans come to my home in Texas and rough me up to remind me missed deadlines. But I don't blame them at all.
Lucius said:
P.S. Why isn't this on the Conan part of the site, which would seem like the most logical place?

Too far in advance I would guess. A little hint, when you see something on the list for upcoming but it's more than a month out, type the text in the search this site area and you may get a little preview of it before the full post.
I come again with this thread because I saw the boxed set wasn't on the release Schedule anymore (and it already goes up to February).
Is it cancelled, postponed or will father Chirstmas bring it to us before year's end?
This is quite sad news! I was really looking forward to this campaign.

May I ask why it was canceled?

Sad news indeed! This was the one I was really waiting for... :evil:

I know the author Jason was under the weather - I hope he is okay.

Damn's the luck!