Hello everyone,
Shortly after beginning to really enjoy ACTA and get into these forums about a year ago, my health began to decay rapidly, eventually leading to me putting aside gaming and hobbying for the time being. Just yesterday I picked up my copy of the SFoS book, which had been lying around, and began looking at the ships as I sat around waiting for something. In the end, I was sucked in again and I'm interested in at least picking the game up casually again.
As I get back into the game, I have a couple of questions and a few things to mention or offer:
1. Does anybody have a copy of the Dilgar counters? The PDF linked to in the player resources 'sticky' post is broken.
2. I see a lot of stuff about the upcoming Armageddon add-on around. I'll just have to wait and see on the ships, but if Mongoose is fine with it being discussed publically, I would like to hear what the basic rules changes are.
3. One of my major interests in any gaming system (or anything for that matter) is custom stuff. Has anyone posted custom races/ships like many people did for B5Wars? Either custom ship stats or new converted models.
4. As a related note, before I got (even) sick(er) I was working on a bunch of such ships myself. I'd have to track down the document and see what state it was in, but would there be enough interest to justify finishing it up and posting it here? Obviously they wouldn't be ships for tournament play, so it would depend on how many people here like to play friendly or narrative games.
5. On a slightly more extreme version of the previous note, one thing I have been doing for the past year has been writing up lots of 'background' for a sci-fi universe of my own. I was considering combining this and my interest in game systems & content to create a variant of the ACTA rule system based on that setting. In the end if I do this will mostly depend on if I find the motivation, time, energy and enjoyment to do it, but if I do end up working on this, would others be interested? And what would Mongoose's position on such a thing be? It would just be for fun, not commercial at all, but I wouldn't want to intrude on Mongoose's turf or bring up prickly legal-ish issues.
Shortly after beginning to really enjoy ACTA and get into these forums about a year ago, my health began to decay rapidly, eventually leading to me putting aside gaming and hobbying for the time being. Just yesterday I picked up my copy of the SFoS book, which had been lying around, and began looking at the ships as I sat around waiting for something. In the end, I was sucked in again and I'm interested in at least picking the game up casually again.
As I get back into the game, I have a couple of questions and a few things to mention or offer:
1. Does anybody have a copy of the Dilgar counters? The PDF linked to in the player resources 'sticky' post is broken.
2. I see a lot of stuff about the upcoming Armageddon add-on around. I'll just have to wait and see on the ships, but if Mongoose is fine with it being discussed publically, I would like to hear what the basic rules changes are.
3. One of my major interests in any gaming system (or anything for that matter) is custom stuff. Has anyone posted custom races/ships like many people did for B5Wars? Either custom ship stats or new converted models.
4. As a related note, before I got (even) sick(er) I was working on a bunch of such ships myself. I'd have to track down the document and see what state it was in, but would there be enough interest to justify finishing it up and posting it here? Obviously they wouldn't be ships for tournament play, so it would depend on how many people here like to play friendly or narrative games.
5. On a slightly more extreme version of the previous note, one thing I have been doing for the past year has been writing up lots of 'background' for a sci-fi universe of my own. I was considering combining this and my interest in game systems & content to create a variant of the ACTA rule system based on that setting. In the end if I do this will mostly depend on if I find the motivation, time, energy and enjoyment to do it, but if I do end up working on this, would others be interested? And what would Mongoose's position on such a thing be? It would just be for fun, not commercial at all, but I wouldn't want to intrude on Mongoose's turf or bring up prickly legal-ish issues.