Clarification Needed


I'm in the process of compiling a Conan Rule Tracker, similar to the one that Emerald Knight did for D&D. For those not familiar it's a spreadsheet that lists: feats, skills, weapons, equipment, classes, prestige classes, deities, diseases, magic items, alchemical items, spells, ect. and the where to find them at.

The clarification I need is this, I've ran across the Choke feat from Road of Kings pg. 189 it's duplicated in Hyboria's Fiercest pg. 74 as a melee combat maneuvre. Is it a feat or maneuver?

Just in case in one is wondering since I mentioned there was a duplication, so far there has been very little. I've been through 4 books so far (I started w/ the supplements since the core book will take the longest) and there have only been 3 feats that have been duplicated (not including this one I need the clarification on). Oops just found the entire section on Combat Maneuvers from Aquilonia (11 in total) were duplicated in it's entirety in Hyboria's Fiercest leading to another clarification.

The combat maneuvers in Aquilonia are listed as being usable in melee only. They are reprinted in Hyboria's Fiercest and are now listed as useable only in mounted combat. Which takes precedence? I'm going to assume HF since it was the printed last but I don't want to assume.

Another Clarification: Touch of Power feat from Scrolls of Skelos pg. 32. I'm assuming this is a Sorcery feat but I want to be sure.

I'll just add questions to this thread as I run across them while doing this spreadsheet.
ahzad said:
The clarification I need is this, I've ran across the Choke feat from Road of Kings pg. 189 it's duplicated in Hyboria's Fiercest pg. 74 as a melee combat maneuvre. Is it a feat or maneuver?

Both, actually. Well, I should say, either-or. I think it works better as a manouevre, so I rewrote the original feat as such. Other people may have other opinions and might prefer it as a feat. GMs can decide which way they want it. Those books present options. The hard rules are in the core book. The same with any other duplications with variances. Unless it specifically says it supersedes something, then it is just a variant option.

Well, that is true in the material I write - everything is optional. I have no comment or opinion on the books or materials written by other authors.
Under the listing for Witch Hazel is says that it grants a Wisdom bonus when chewing the black nuts from the tree, but it doesn't give you the bonus. What is it?

ahzad said:
Under the listing for Witch Hazel is says that it grants a Wisdom bonus when chewing the black nuts from the tree, but it doesn't give you the bonus. What is it?

+2, unless the needs of the story dictate otherwise.