Character List


I make up characters for games or NPCs periodically and thought "Why not share". We should keep a running list of creations that others can use for NPCs in their own games. Here's guy I made up for this weekend's pirate adventure!

Tewelde N'gdaio -- Gallah Warrior from the Bemba Tribe in Kush

Male Kushite (Gallah) Barbarian 2/Pirate 1
Medium-size Humanoid

Hit Dice: 2d10+1d8+3 (23hp) (FM:29)
Initiative: +8 (Dex + Ref Save)
Speed: 30 ft
DV Parry: 14 (FM:14) (Seamanship +1)
DV Dodge: 14 (FM:12) (Seamanship +1)
DR: 5
BAB: +2
Grapple: +6 (FM:+8 )
Attacks: War Spear +6 (FM:+8 )(+5 Finesse); Stygian Bow(+4) +3; Javelin +5
Damage: War Spear 2d4+7/x3 AP6; Stygian Bow (+4) 1d12+4/19x2 AP6; Javelin 1d8+4/x2 AP5
Fighting Madness Damage: War Spear 2d4+11/x3 AP8; Stygian Bow (+4) 1d12+4/19x2 AP6; Javelin 1d8+6/x2 AP7
Special Attacks: Ferocious Attack (+2 Initiative, melee attack and damage rolls, -2 penalty to his Defence Value -- 1st round), Fighting-Madness
Special Qualities: Seamanship +1 (+1 circumstance bonus to all Climb, Profession (sailor), Use Rope and Balance checks, as well as to Defence Value, so long as he is aboard a ship or boat at sea); Track; Fearless (+2 Will vs Fear); Versatility (-2 penalty); Bite Sword; Crimson Mist; +2 circumstance bonus to all Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Survival and Spot checks in all hot environments; +1 racial bonus to damage rolls with spears of all types when used as melee weapons; Illiterate; Background Skills: Hide, Move Silently, Survival
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +1 (Fearless)
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 12
Skills: Balance +4, Climb +4, Hide +8, Intim +7, Jump +4, Listen +2, MvSilnt +8, Ride +3, Spot +2, Swim +4, Survl +5, Tumble +4 (no Chk Pen applied)
Feats: Power Attack, Fighting-Madness, Cleave
Languages: Kushite, Stygian, Old Stygian, Darfari, Argossean, Zingaran
Fate Points: 3
Reputation: +?? (Merciless)
Allegiances: Pirate Captain
Corruption: 0

Equipment: Leather Jerkin, Steel Cap, War Spear, 2 Javelins, Stygian Bow (+4) & 23 Arrows, Axe, Cutlass
Gold Necklace, spirit totems, Idol to Jullah

Tewelde grew up among the warring tribes of coastal Kush. His tribe would trade with sea merchants from the north and raid the inland savannas for slaves. His grandmother had been a slave in Stygia when she was young and told of her tribulation and taught him tales of the history of stygian and arcane languages used by her devilish masters. Inspired by her tales, he encouraged fellow tribesmen to make a raid into wealthy Stygia. The plot was foretold by a Stygian scholar and the band was captured and sold to an Argossean slaver. The slave ship was raided by Zingaran pirates -- Tewelde broke loose from his bonds and set about slaying his Argossean captors. His savagery made such an impression among the Zingarans that they asked him to join their crew. He has since spent time raiding the Black Kingdoms and using his woodcraft to the great benefit of the pirate band. They have recently returned to Kordava for some much needed revelry in the Pits.

Given time, Tewelde throws his javelins before entering into melee followed by a charge with his spear. He knows no mercy and when the battle is thick will go into a fighting madness, slaying anyone who confronts him and giving no quarter. He chants the dark war songs of his people when the battle spirit enters into him and will eat the hearts of his most powerful enemies to gain their strength. He understands little of the civilized folk he travels with and does not engage in their pastimes but enjoys observing their foriegn customs. He sleeps on deck . . . his massive build fits awkwardly in the cramped quarters below but is given much leeway by the crew who value his strength but fear his fury.
1st level version of Valerian:

Valerian Emilius
Male Bossonian Soldier 1
Medium-size Humanoid

Hit Dice: 1d10+1 (11hp)
Initiative: +8 (Dex + Ref Save + Improved Init)
Speed: 30 ft
DV Parry: 14 (16 with Buckler)
DV Dodge: 14 (16 v. Ranged w/ Buckler)
DR: 5 (leather + Steel Cap)
BAB: +1
Grapple: +4
Attacks: Broad Sword +4; Bossonian Longbow +6 (or +4/+4) plus PBS; Axe +5(finesse)
Damage: Broad Sword 1d10+3(19/x2)(AP6); Bossonian Longbow 1d12+3(x3)(AP8); Axe 1d8+1(x3)(AP2)
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: +1 racial bonus to all attack rolls with the Bossonian longbow, +2 racial bonus to Defence Value when fighting defensively or using the total defence action, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Bossonian Longbow; Background Skills: Craft(Bowyer), Move Silently, Listen
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 9, Cha 12
Skills: Craft(bowyer) +3, MoveSlnt +6, Listen +1, Climb +7, Intimidate +4, Jump +6, Ride +6
Feats: Improved Init, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot
Languages: Aquilonian, Pictish, Argossean, Zingaran, Hyperborean, Cimmerian

Civilised Code of Honour
Fate Points: 3
Reputation: +3 (Brave)
Allegiances: Commander, Aquilonia
Corruption: 0

Equipment: Leather Jerkin, Steel Cap, Buckler, Broad Sword, Bossonian Longbow(+3 Str), Axe, 40 arrows
NPC I created for my first game session as a guide for the PCs.

Otho of Pinewall-- colonist on the Pictish border

Male Tauran Borderer 1
Medium-size Humanoid

Hit Dice: 1d10+2 (12hp)
Initiative: +5 (Dex + Ref Save)
Speed: 30 ft
DV Parry: 11
DV Dodge: 13 (14 in Forest)
DV Dodge Ranged: 13 (14 in Forest)
DR: 4
BAB: +1
Grapple: +2
Attacks: Axe/Axe (+5/+5 Finesse); Axe (+5 Ranged; +6 inside 30 ft); Hunting Bow (+4; +5 inside 30 ft)
Damage: Axe 1d8+1 (AP1, 20x3)/Axe 1d8 (AP1, 20x3); Axe thrown 1d8+1 (+1 inside 30ft); Hunting Bow 1d8 (AP1, 20x2, +1 inside 30 ft)
Special Qualities: +1 Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Survival checks in Temperate Forest or Plain (race); +1 Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot, Survival in Forest and +1 Dodge bonus (Favored Terrain +1); +1 bonus to all Survival checks (race); +2 bonus to all Hide and Move Silently checks (Adaptability); Background Skills: Hide, Move Silently, Survival, Profession (Farmer)
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 8
Skills: Balance +5, Climb +2, Craft (bowyer) +3, Craft (Herbalism) +3, Gather Information +0, Handle Animal +0, Hide +9 (+11 in forest), Jump +2, Knowledge (Local) +4, Listen +4 (+6 in forest), Move Silently +9 (+11 in forest), Profession (farmer) +4, Profession (trapper) +3, Search +3 (+4 in forest), Spot +5 (+7 in forest), Survival +6 (+8 in forest), Swim +3
Feats: Track (class), Weapon Focus: Axe, Point Blank Shot
Languages: Aquilonian, Bossonian, Nemedian, Pictish, Zingaran
Fate Points: 4
Reputation: +0
Allegiances: None
Corruption: 0

Equipment: Quilted Jerkin, Steel Cap, 3 Axes, Hunting Bow & 20 Arrows, sleeping fur, sack, gold wedding band, bag of teeth, string of pict scalps

Appearance: Otho is about 30 years old, short (5 foot 7 inches) balding and stocky. His hair is long and wild, his beard wispy. The massive amounts of hair on his body, his build, and his trapping have led some villagers to refer to him as the Beaver.

Otho was born and raised in the forests of Tauran but later migrated to the Bossonian Marches as a colonist, looking for his own plot of land and looking to make a life for himself and his young wife. Settling in the village of Pinewall -- named for its palisade -- very close to the Pictish border, Otho and his wife found life on the border very hard. Agriculture was often interrupted by Pictish raids and the climate was too cold and too wet for ideal farming. As a result, Otho took to hunting and trapping for furs in the winters. Life was hard in other ways, as well, as Otho's wife bore three children who died within the first year. The latest child, a son, turned three years old and Otho began to relax and enjoy life.

Late one winter's day, however, he returned to Pinewall to find Pictish marauders had attacked, burning the town, killing most of its inhabitants, and enslaving the rest. Finding his wife brutalized and murdered, his child dead of exposure, Otho swore to drown his anguish in Pictish blood.

Consumed by his need for vengeance, Otho is curt, dismissive and somber. He speaks little, gives advice without explanation, and keeps to himself as much as possible. He stays close to the Pictish border, continuing to trap to earn some coin, and serves as a guide to any groups seeking to enter the Pictish wilderness (provided they are not friendly to Picts). He will not associate with any Picts he meets, though unless he meets them in a wilderness situation he will not attack on sight. Characters not familiar with Pictish ways may be surprised to find that Otho mutilates the bodies of his Pictish victims, taking their teeth and scalps.
In preparation for tomorrow's game I've updated my 2 characters:

Tewelde N'gdaio -- Gallah Warrior from the Bemba Tribe in Kush

Male Kushite (Gallah) Barbarian 3/Pirate 2

Medium-size Humanoid

Hit Dice: 3d10+2d8+5 (32hp) (FM:42)
Initiative: +9 (Dex + Ref Save)
Speed: 30 ft
DV Parry: 16 (FM:16) (Seamanship +1)
DV Dodge: 16 (FM:14) (Seamanship +1)
DR: 5
BAB: +4
Grapple: +8 (FM:+10 )
Attacks: War Spear +8 (FM:+10 )(+7 Finesse); Stygian Bow(+4) +5; Javelin +7; Axe +8 (FM:+10) (+7 Finesse)
Damage: War Spear 2d4+7/x3 AP6; Stygian Bow (+4) 1d12+4/19x2 AP6; Javelin 1d8+4/x2 AP5; Axe 1d8+4/x3 AP5
Fighting Madness Damage: War Spear 2d4+11/x3 AP8; Stygian Bow (+4) 1d12+4/19x2 AP6; Javelin 1d8+6/x2 AP7; Axe 1d8+6/x3 AP7
Special Attacks: Ferocious Attack (+2 Initiative, melee attack and damage rolls, -2 penalty to his Defence Value -- 1st round), Fighting-Madness (+4 Str, Con; +2 Will; -2DV); To Sail A Road of Blood & Slaughter
Special Qualities: Seamanship +1 (+1 circumstance bonus to all Climb, Profession (sailor), Use Rope and Balance checks, as well as to Defence Value, so long as he is aboard a ship or boat at sea); Track; Fearless (+2 Will vs Fear); Versatility (-2 penalty); Bite Sword; Crimson Mist; +2 circumstance bonus to all Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Survival and Spot checks in all hot environments; +1 racial bonus to damage rolls with spears of all types when used as melee weapons; Illiterate; Background Skills: Hide, Move Silently, Survival; Endurance; Trap Sense +1; Pirate Code (Zingaran Trumpets)
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +2 (Fearless)
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 12
Skills: Balance +3, Climb +7, Hide +8, Intim +6, Jump +7, Listen +2, MvSilnt +8, Ride +3, Spot +2, Swim +5, Survl +6, Tumble +4 (no Chk Pen applied)
Feats: Power Attack, Fighting-Madness, Cleave
Combat Manuvers: To the Hilt; Bull's Charge; Hooking Parry
Languages: Kushite, Stygian, Old Stygian, Darfari, Argossean, Zingaran, Pictish, Shemite, South Island
Fate Points: 2
Reputation: +21 (Merciless)
Allegiances: Tribe, Family
Corruption: 0

Equipment: Leather Jerkin, Steel Cap, War Spear, 2 Javelins, Stygian Bow (+4) & 23 Arrows, Axe, Silver Necklace W/ Gold Moon, spirit totems, Idol to Jullah, Painted Stygian Skull; Monkey's Paw

Tewelde grew up among the warring tribes of coastal Kush. His tribe would trade with sea merchants from the north and raid the inland savannas for slaves. His grandmother had been a slave in Stygia when she was young and told of her tribulation and taught him tales of the history of stygian and arcane languages used by her devilish masters. Inspired by her tales, he encouraged fellow tribesmen to make a raid into wealthy Stygia. The plot was foretold by a Stygian scholar and the band was captured and sold to an Argossean slaver. The slave ship was raided by Zingaran pirates -- Tewelde broke loose from his bonds and set about slaying his Argossean captors. His savagery made such an impression among the Zingarans that they asked him to join their crew. He has since spent time raiding the Black Kingdoms and using his woodcraft to the great benefit of the pirate band. He served as Quartermaster of the ship Dagon's Valor under the strange Captain de Oto and then Captain Severo before return to his home in Kush where he fought and defeated a vicious man-spider.

Given time, Tewelde throws his javelins before entering into melee followed by a charge with his spear. He knows no mercy and when the battle is thick will go into a fighting madness, slaying anyone who confronts him and giving no quarter. He chants the dark war songs of his people when the battle spirit enters into him and will eat the hearts of his most powerful enemies to gain their strength. He understands little of the civilized folk he travels with and does not engage in their pastimes but enjoys observing their foriegn customs. He sleeps on deck . . . his massive build fits awkwardly in the cramped quarters below but is given much leeway by the crew who value his strength but fear his fury.

Please feel free to post your own creations here -- I'd love to see other characters . . .
Valerian Emilius
Male Bossonian Soldier 4

Medium-size Humanoid

Hit Dice: 4d10+8 (37hp)
Initiative: +9 (Dex + Ref Save + Improved Init)
Speed: 40 ft
DV Parry: 16 (20 w/ Defensive Fighting)
DV Dodge: 16 (20 w/ Defensive Fighting)
DR: 6 (Mail Shirt + Steel Cap)
BAB: +4
Grapple: +7
Attacks: Broad Sword +7; Bossonian Longbow +10 (or +8/+8) plus PBS; Axe +8(finesse)
Damage: Broad Sword 1d10+3(19/x2)(AP6); Bossonian Longbow 1d12+3(x3)(AP8); Axe 1d8+1(x3)(AP4)
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: +1 racial bonus to all attack rolls with the Bossonian longbow, +2 racial bonus to Defence Value when fighting defensively or using the total defence action, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Bossonian Longbow; Background Skills: Craft(Bowyer), Move Silently, Listen; Formation: Skirmisher
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +3
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 9, Cha 12
Skills: Climb +5, Craft(bowyer) +3, Escape Artist +6, MoveSlnt +6, Listen +3, Intimidate +4, Jump +6, Ride +6, Spot +5, Swim +4
Feats: Improved Init, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Power Attack, Fleet Footed, Weapon Focus (Long Bow)
Combat Manuvers: To the Hilt; Bull's Charge; Hooking Parry
Languages: Aquilonian, Pictish, Argossean, Zingaran, Nemedian, Nordheimr, Bossonian

Civilised Code of Honour
Fate Points: 1
Reputation: +17 (Brave)
Allegiances: Aquilonia, Family
Corruption: 0

Equipment: Mail Shirt, Steel Cap, Broad Sword, Bossonian Longbow(+3 Str), Axe, 60 arrows

Valerian stands 5'10" with sandy hair and the scruff of a beard on his still young face. He left his family in the Marches to serve on the Pictish border at the young age of 17. His keen eye made him a favorite of the commander at Fort Gakonthie and was placed on several dangerous missions that lead him deep into dangerous Pictish territory. With the help of his companions and the blessings of Mitra he survived several deadly encounters and even capture by the dread Picts. After witnessing corruption and atrocities committed by both the Picts and his own leaders he became disenchanted with the pointless conflict and his wandering feet led him to the Cimmerian border where he served as a mercenary. An unexpected Cimmerian attack cut his unit to pieces and he fled south into Nemedia where he hoped the more civilized nation would offer easier spoils.

Valerian prefers to stay at range from his opponents and use his mighty longbow to tear into his opponents. He likes using his improved speed to manuver into positions that prevent his foes from closing quickly. When cornered though, he will draw his Sword and Axe and fight 2 handed.