I make up characters for games or NPCs periodically and thought "Why not share". We should keep a running list of creations that others can use for NPCs in their own games. Here's guy I made up for this weekend's pirate adventure!
Tewelde N'gdaio -- Gallah Warrior from the Bemba Tribe in Kush
Male Kushite (Gallah) Barbarian 2/Pirate 1
Medium-size Humanoid
Hit Dice: 2d10+1d8+3 (23hp) (FM:29)
Initiative: +8 (Dex + Ref Save)
Speed: 30 ft
DV Parry: 14 (FM:14) (Seamanship +1)
DV Dodge: 14 (FM:12) (Seamanship +1)
DR: 5
BAB: +2
Grapple: +6 (FM:+8 )
Attacks: War Spear +6 (FM:+8 )(+5 Finesse); Stygian Bow(+4) +3; Javelin +5
Damage: War Spear 2d4+7/x3 AP6; Stygian Bow (+4) 1d12+4/19x2 AP6; Javelin 1d8+4/x2 AP5
Fighting Madness Damage: War Spear 2d4+11/x3 AP8; Stygian Bow (+4) 1d12+4/19x2 AP6; Javelin 1d8+6/x2 AP7
Special Attacks: Ferocious Attack (+2 Initiative, melee attack and damage rolls, -2 penalty to his Defence Value -- 1st round), Fighting-Madness
Special Qualities: Seamanship +1 (+1 circumstance bonus to all Climb, Profession (sailor), Use Rope and Balance checks, as well as to Defence Value, so long as he is aboard a ship or boat at sea); Track; Fearless (+2 Will vs Fear); Versatility (-2 penalty); Bite Sword; Crimson Mist; +2 circumstance bonus to all Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Survival and Spot checks in all hot environments; +1 racial bonus to damage rolls with spears of all types when used as melee weapons; Illiterate; Background Skills: Hide, Move Silently, Survival
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +1 (Fearless)
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 12
Skills: Balance +4, Climb +4, Hide +8, Intim +7, Jump +4, Listen +2, MvSilnt +8, Ride +3, Spot +2, Swim +4, Survl +5, Tumble +4 (no Chk Pen applied)
Feats: Power Attack, Fighting-Madness, Cleave
Languages: Kushite, Stygian, Old Stygian, Darfari, Argossean, Zingaran
Fate Points: 3
Reputation: +?? (Merciless)
Allegiances: Pirate Captain
Corruption: 0
Equipment: Leather Jerkin, Steel Cap, War Spear, 2 Javelins, Stygian Bow (+4) & 23 Arrows, Axe, Cutlass
Gold Necklace, spirit totems, Idol to Jullah
Tewelde grew up among the warring tribes of coastal Kush. His tribe would trade with sea merchants from the north and raid the inland savannas for slaves. His grandmother had been a slave in Stygia when she was young and told of her tribulation and taught him tales of the history of stygian and arcane languages used by her devilish masters. Inspired by her tales, he encouraged fellow tribesmen to make a raid into wealthy Stygia. The plot was foretold by a Stygian scholar and the band was captured and sold to an Argossean slaver. The slave ship was raided by Zingaran pirates -- Tewelde broke loose from his bonds and set about slaying his Argossean captors. His savagery made such an impression among the Zingarans that they asked him to join their crew. He has since spent time raiding the Black Kingdoms and using his woodcraft to the great benefit of the pirate band. They have recently returned to Kordava for some much needed revelry in the Pits.
Given time, Tewelde throws his javelins before entering into melee followed by a charge with his spear. He knows no mercy and when the battle is thick will go into a fighting madness, slaying anyone who confronts him and giving no quarter. He chants the dark war songs of his people when the battle spirit enters into him and will eat the hearts of his most powerful enemies to gain their strength. He understands little of the civilized folk he travels with and does not engage in their pastimes but enjoys observing their foriegn customs. He sleeps on deck . . . his massive build fits awkwardly in the cramped quarters below but is given much leeway by the crew who value his strength but fear his fury.
Tewelde N'gdaio -- Gallah Warrior from the Bemba Tribe in Kush
Male Kushite (Gallah) Barbarian 2/Pirate 1
Medium-size Humanoid
Hit Dice: 2d10+1d8+3 (23hp) (FM:29)
Initiative: +8 (Dex + Ref Save)
Speed: 30 ft
DV Parry: 14 (FM:14) (Seamanship +1)
DV Dodge: 14 (FM:12) (Seamanship +1)
DR: 5
BAB: +2
Grapple: +6 (FM:+8 )
Attacks: War Spear +6 (FM:+8 )(+5 Finesse); Stygian Bow(+4) +3; Javelin +5
Damage: War Spear 2d4+7/x3 AP6; Stygian Bow (+4) 1d12+4/19x2 AP6; Javelin 1d8+4/x2 AP5
Fighting Madness Damage: War Spear 2d4+11/x3 AP8; Stygian Bow (+4) 1d12+4/19x2 AP6; Javelin 1d8+6/x2 AP7
Special Attacks: Ferocious Attack (+2 Initiative, melee attack and damage rolls, -2 penalty to his Defence Value -- 1st round), Fighting-Madness
Special Qualities: Seamanship +1 (+1 circumstance bonus to all Climb, Profession (sailor), Use Rope and Balance checks, as well as to Defence Value, so long as he is aboard a ship or boat at sea); Track; Fearless (+2 Will vs Fear); Versatility (-2 penalty); Bite Sword; Crimson Mist; +2 circumstance bonus to all Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Survival and Spot checks in all hot environments; +1 racial bonus to damage rolls with spears of all types when used as melee weapons; Illiterate; Background Skills: Hide, Move Silently, Survival
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +1 (Fearless)
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 12
Skills: Balance +4, Climb +4, Hide +8, Intim +7, Jump +4, Listen +2, MvSilnt +8, Ride +3, Spot +2, Swim +4, Survl +5, Tumble +4 (no Chk Pen applied)
Feats: Power Attack, Fighting-Madness, Cleave
Languages: Kushite, Stygian, Old Stygian, Darfari, Argossean, Zingaran
Fate Points: 3
Reputation: +?? (Merciless)
Allegiances: Pirate Captain
Corruption: 0
Equipment: Leather Jerkin, Steel Cap, War Spear, 2 Javelins, Stygian Bow (+4) & 23 Arrows, Axe, Cutlass
Gold Necklace, spirit totems, Idol to Jullah
Tewelde grew up among the warring tribes of coastal Kush. His tribe would trade with sea merchants from the north and raid the inland savannas for slaves. His grandmother had been a slave in Stygia when she was young and told of her tribulation and taught him tales of the history of stygian and arcane languages used by her devilish masters. Inspired by her tales, he encouraged fellow tribesmen to make a raid into wealthy Stygia. The plot was foretold by a Stygian scholar and the band was captured and sold to an Argossean slaver. The slave ship was raided by Zingaran pirates -- Tewelde broke loose from his bonds and set about slaying his Argossean captors. His savagery made such an impression among the Zingarans that they asked him to join their crew. He has since spent time raiding the Black Kingdoms and using his woodcraft to the great benefit of the pirate band. They have recently returned to Kordava for some much needed revelry in the Pits.
Given time, Tewelde throws his javelins before entering into melee followed by a charge with his spear. He knows no mercy and when the battle is thick will go into a fighting madness, slaying anyone who confronts him and giving no quarter. He chants the dark war songs of his people when the battle spirit enters into him and will eat the hearts of his most powerful enemies to gain their strength. He understands little of the civilized folk he travels with and does not engage in their pastimes but enjoys observing their foriegn customs. He sleeps on deck . . . his massive build fits awkwardly in the cramped quarters below but is given much leeway by the crew who value his strength but fear his fury.