If a ship is crippled and have the Self Repair trait, must it roll a d6 to see if it loose this trait ?
Mongoose Steele said:Yes, your Self Repair systems can go offline when Crippled.
Goldritter said:So a White Star which is crippled and lost its Self Repair should leave the Battle Field.
If you lose Self-Repair, you don't get it back when you Self-Repair.. well, yes, there's logic in that... :?lastbesthope said:But importantly, in the case of a White Star, it does not get the lost traits back mid game when/if you Self Repair to above the Crippled Threshold.
Wulf Corbett said:If you lose Self-Repair, you don't get it back when you Self-Repair.. well, yes, there's logic in that... :?lastbesthope said:But importantly, in the case of a White Star, it does not get the lost traits back mid game when/if you Self Repair to above the Crippled Threshold.
I'd say it has to reroll for remaining Traits, yes - the new damage knocked a different set of holes in the ship.Goldritter said:Another question about crippled ships.
Does I only roll once for a crippled ship if it loose traits or every time it´s crippled.
Goldritter said:Another question about crippled ships.
Does I only roll once for a crippled ship if it loose traits or every time it´s crippled.
So a Nemesis is crippled in one round it roll for traitloss. In the next turn the Self repair give it one Damage Point over cripple back. And in then the Nemesis is agai ncrippled. does it now must roll again ?