Reading the Aquilonia book, it has stats for high level NPC's (including King Conan) and places the 'campaign' at a few years after the events in 'Hour of the Dragon.
I was just wondering what kind of 'timeline' is being used by other GM's. Before Conan, after, no Conan at all?
I have read most of the Conan stories, but if I start a campaign, I don't think my players are that familiar with them. I am wondering where to place my campaign, as I am a little leery as whether I want someone such as King Conan in the picture.
I was just wondering what kind of 'timeline' is being used by other GM's. Before Conan, after, no Conan at all?
I have read most of the Conan stories, but if I start a campaign, I don't think my players are that familiar with them. I am wondering where to place my campaign, as I am a little leery as whether I want someone such as King Conan in the picture.