I've gone through the Call of Cthulhu d20 book and separated 99% of the spells into my best guess for the appropriate Conan sorcery style. There are some new styles: Enchantment (empowering items) Life Magic (dealing with prevention of death/injury and destroying undead) and Metamagic (magic that makes your magic more potent).
I need help figuring out how to convert them from ability score damage to PP cost.
Counterspells: Banishment of Yde Etad, Bind Enemy, Bind Loup Garou, Cast Out Devil, Create Bad Corpse-Dust, Create Barrier of Naach-Tith, Eibon's Wheel of Mist, Elder Sign, Eye of Light and Darkness, Identify Spirit, Imprison Mind, Seal of Isis, Unmask Demon, Warding the Eye.
Curses: Blind/Deafen, Curse of Chaugnar Faugn, Curse of the Putrid Husk, Curse of the Rat-Thing, Curse of the Stone, Death by Flames, Dread Curse of Azathoth, Evil Eye, Mindblast, Nightmare, Pipes of Madness.
Divination: Augury, Candle Communication, Create Scrying Window, Detect Life, Detect Magic, Divination, Find Gate, Locate Creature, Look To The Future, Mirror of Tarkhun Atep, True Strike, View Gate.
Enchantment: Create Bad-Corpse Dust, Enchant Item, Magic Weapon.
Hypnotism: Cause Fear, Cloud Memory, Frozen Tracks, Message, Mind Transfer, Pose Mundane, Sekhmenkenhep's Words, Siren's Song, Soul Singing, Suggestion, Voice of Ra.
Life Magic: Chant of Toth*, Create Self-Ward, Deflect Harm, Detect Life, Flesh Ward, Healing Touch, Power Drain, Return To Rest.
Metamagic: Power of Nyambe, Voorish Sign.
Nature Magic: Animal Form, Breath of the Deep, Cloak of Fire, Control Weather, Death by Flames, Dominate Animal, Hands of Colubra, Insect Plague, Obscuring Mist, Raise Night Fog, Skin of Sedefkar, Wave of Oblivion.
Necromancy: Bind Soul, Black Binding, Bring Pestilence, Circle of Nausea, Consume Likeness, Dark Resurrection, Eyes of the Zombie, Magic Jar, Power Drain, Shriveling, Song of Hastur, Soul Trap, Speak with Dead, Steal Life, Wither Limb, Wrack.
Prestidigitation: Clutch of Nyogtha, Fist of Yog-Sothoth, Grasp of Cthulhu, Levitate, Spectral Razor.
Summoning: Become Spectral Hunter, Body Warping of Gorgorath, Call Deity, Contact Creature, Contact Deity, Contact Human, Create Gate, Create Time Gate, Dismiss Deity, Dismissal, Red Sign of Shudde M'ell, Summon/Bind Creature, Unspeakable Oath.
I need help figuring out how to convert them from ability score damage to PP cost.
Counterspells: Banishment of Yde Etad, Bind Enemy, Bind Loup Garou, Cast Out Devil, Create Bad Corpse-Dust, Create Barrier of Naach-Tith, Eibon's Wheel of Mist, Elder Sign, Eye of Light and Darkness, Identify Spirit, Imprison Mind, Seal of Isis, Unmask Demon, Warding the Eye.
Curses: Blind/Deafen, Curse of Chaugnar Faugn, Curse of the Putrid Husk, Curse of the Rat-Thing, Curse of the Stone, Death by Flames, Dread Curse of Azathoth, Evil Eye, Mindblast, Nightmare, Pipes of Madness.
Divination: Augury, Candle Communication, Create Scrying Window, Detect Life, Detect Magic, Divination, Find Gate, Locate Creature, Look To The Future, Mirror of Tarkhun Atep, True Strike, View Gate.
Enchantment: Create Bad-Corpse Dust, Enchant Item, Magic Weapon.
Hypnotism: Cause Fear, Cloud Memory, Frozen Tracks, Message, Mind Transfer, Pose Mundane, Sekhmenkenhep's Words, Siren's Song, Soul Singing, Suggestion, Voice of Ra.
Life Magic: Chant of Toth*, Create Self-Ward, Deflect Harm, Detect Life, Flesh Ward, Healing Touch, Power Drain, Return To Rest.
Metamagic: Power of Nyambe, Voorish Sign.
Nature Magic: Animal Form, Breath of the Deep, Cloak of Fire, Control Weather, Death by Flames, Dominate Animal, Hands of Colubra, Insect Plague, Obscuring Mist, Raise Night Fog, Skin of Sedefkar, Wave of Oblivion.
Necromancy: Bind Soul, Black Binding, Bring Pestilence, Circle of Nausea, Consume Likeness, Dark Resurrection, Eyes of the Zombie, Magic Jar, Power Drain, Shriveling, Song of Hastur, Soul Trap, Speak with Dead, Steal Life, Wither Limb, Wrack.
Prestidigitation: Clutch of Nyogtha, Fist of Yog-Sothoth, Grasp of Cthulhu, Levitate, Spectral Razor.
Summoning: Become Spectral Hunter, Body Warping of Gorgorath, Call Deity, Contact Creature, Contact Deity, Contact Human, Create Gate, Create Time Gate, Dismiss Deity, Dismissal, Red Sign of Shudde M'ell, Summon/Bind Creature, Unspeakable Oath.