Ralph Kruhm
Hi there,
first, about myself, I am a long-term roleplaying gamer, as well as a huge B5-Fan. Finally, I am able to rip some free time out of Real Life (TM) to lay my hands on the spectacularly looking B5 RPG. Though I dispise the fact that it´s d20 (I was a big-time AD&DII-Fan & -DM, but threw 3E away after my very first adventure - the rules, especially the combat rules, had been MUCH to complex for my taste; I like my combats quick and deadly, if I have to do them at all; I concentrate on role-play, not play-rolls), I will try to give it another chance. But, who could really expect that, I got some questions the very first day I tried to get on friendly terms with the system... :roll:
Since I really want this thing to work, I´ll start going through those questions by throwing them at you, hoping against all odds you won´t crucify me for asking the same questions that have been asked, undoubtedly, before. I looked at the FAQ-PDF and run a forum search, but couldn´t find the answer, so, here are the first two, with lots more certainly coming soon. Feel free to help or laugh, but the soul who dares to help me shall be blessed by the Great Maker...
1. Rulebook p.27, Crippling Strike:
Is the rule regarding successful critical hits assumed to work on critical sneak attacks only, or on all critical hits?
2. Rulebook, All Alone In the Night:
The Initiative mods for the NPCs based on Dex seem to be incorrect in a lot of cases. Am I right or do I misinterprete some rule? For example, Vir Cotto, p.144, has an Initiative mod of +1 based on a Dex mod of +1, but his Dex is 10, so he shouldn´t have a Dex mod at all. And I find these a lot. I would love to know if this is really a mistake, and if, how should I proceed when inserting those NPCs into my game: Should I adjust their Initiative with the correct Mod or should I adjust the Dex based on the Initiative Mod, since I don´t know what the designers had in mind when they designed those NPCs, by doing it one way or the other, I might make them weaker or stronger than they had been intended to be originally (well, I COULD decide for myself, of course, but maybe this has been dealt with before, and there is an official answer...).
As I said, thanks to all in advance who risk to help.
first, about myself, I am a long-term roleplaying gamer, as well as a huge B5-Fan. Finally, I am able to rip some free time out of Real Life (TM) to lay my hands on the spectacularly looking B5 RPG. Though I dispise the fact that it´s d20 (I was a big-time AD&DII-Fan & -DM, but threw 3E away after my very first adventure - the rules, especially the combat rules, had been MUCH to complex for my taste; I like my combats quick and deadly, if I have to do them at all; I concentrate on role-play, not play-rolls), I will try to give it another chance. But, who could really expect that, I got some questions the very first day I tried to get on friendly terms with the system... :roll:
Since I really want this thing to work, I´ll start going through those questions by throwing them at you, hoping against all odds you won´t crucify me for asking the same questions that have been asked, undoubtedly, before. I looked at the FAQ-PDF and run a forum search, but couldn´t find the answer, so, here are the first two, with lots more certainly coming soon. Feel free to help or laugh, but the soul who dares to help me shall be blessed by the Great Maker...
1. Rulebook p.27, Crippling Strike:
Is the rule regarding successful critical hits assumed to work on critical sneak attacks only, or on all critical hits?
2. Rulebook, All Alone In the Night:
The Initiative mods for the NPCs based on Dex seem to be incorrect in a lot of cases. Am I right or do I misinterprete some rule? For example, Vir Cotto, p.144, has an Initiative mod of +1 based on a Dex mod of +1, but his Dex is 10, so he shouldn´t have a Dex mod at all. And I find these a lot. I would love to know if this is really a mistake, and if, how should I proceed when inserting those NPCs into my game: Should I adjust their Initiative with the correct Mod or should I adjust the Dex based on the Initiative Mod, since I don´t know what the designers had in mind when they designed those NPCs, by doing it one way or the other, I might make them weaker or stronger than they had been intended to be originally (well, I COULD decide for myself, of course, but maybe this has been dealt with before, and there is an official answer...).
As I said, thanks to all in advance who risk to help.