HI, Spawn of Danu!
I'm writing a few basic Slaine RPG questions that immediately popped into my mind, since I've JUST BOUGHT THE GAME (believe it or not I'm that slow to check cool things)! COULD ya PUH-Leez answer 'em, some charitable soul?
Some of 'em I "re-quote" from an RPG.net revue -- here they is:
1. The Economic system is explained fairly well, but I'm confused how it works in practice. Things cost chickens (& cows & pigs); but does that mean people walk around with chickens in their pockets &, are the richest people chicken farmers?
2. About slavery: It's mentioned that as part of the economic system is the 'cumal', or female slave. But just how common is it? Can anyone be made a slave? Does the average free person have one? I would think that only "non-tribesmen" (outsiders), would be slaves & that Druids & Witches would be exempt!
3. I also really have to wonder - did they really fight naked? I mean, there is a reason that male athletes wear protective cups, and they also wear clothing. I can't imagine fighting naked is plausible. Volleyball, maybe (with perhaps a different way of serving). But combat? My experiences being naked outdoors have invariably proven to be both awkward and painful... (!)
4. Just what is the average family structure life? I get the idea that a person's family is important, but it's sort of skimmed over. And what is the average home like?
5. What is the Innuendo skill for? There is no description for it! The only use I can think for it is for taunting in battle & using it in social/noble endeavors...
6. In your supplements I see a new skill called Intuit Direction: shall I replace it with Wilderness Lore (akin to a Survival check)?
7. Do ALL humans suffer Geas, including Druids & Witches? The NPCs don't have entries for theirs, (even Major ones) why?
8. Could you list some "common" (setting-wise) Knowledges for Slaine, please? I seem to be at a loss to come up with them, especially the 'sorcery-oriented' ones... I am pretty much using the Player's Handbook's.
9. What exactly is a Bard's boon? I see no explanation of it in the Rulesbook...
I'm writing a few basic Slaine RPG questions that immediately popped into my mind, since I've JUST BOUGHT THE GAME (believe it or not I'm that slow to check cool things)! COULD ya PUH-Leez answer 'em, some charitable soul?
Some of 'em I "re-quote" from an RPG.net revue -- here they is:
1. The Economic system is explained fairly well, but I'm confused how it works in practice. Things cost chickens (& cows & pigs); but does that mean people walk around with chickens in their pockets &, are the richest people chicken farmers?
2. About slavery: It's mentioned that as part of the economic system is the 'cumal', or female slave. But just how common is it? Can anyone be made a slave? Does the average free person have one? I would think that only "non-tribesmen" (outsiders), would be slaves & that Druids & Witches would be exempt!
3. I also really have to wonder - did they really fight naked? I mean, there is a reason that male athletes wear protective cups, and they also wear clothing. I can't imagine fighting naked is plausible. Volleyball, maybe (with perhaps a different way of serving). But combat? My experiences being naked outdoors have invariably proven to be both awkward and painful... (!)
4. Just what is the average family structure life? I get the idea that a person's family is important, but it's sort of skimmed over. And what is the average home like?
5. What is the Innuendo skill for? There is no description for it! The only use I can think for it is for taunting in battle & using it in social/noble endeavors...
6. In your supplements I see a new skill called Intuit Direction: shall I replace it with Wilderness Lore (akin to a Survival check)?
7. Do ALL humans suffer Geas, including Druids & Witches? The NPCs don't have entries for theirs, (even Major ones) why?
8. Could you list some "common" (setting-wise) Knowledges for Slaine, please? I seem to be at a loss to come up with them, especially the 'sorcery-oriented' ones... I am pretty much using the Player's Handbook's.
9. What exactly is a Bard's boon? I see no explanation of it in the Rulesbook...