I've NEVER bought an airfix model kit. I probably built a couple dozen car, tank, ship, and model plane models as a kid/teenager, and most every one of them was a Monogram or Revell.
These days, I've gotten more concerned with model quality, I would probably try to find my model in a Hasegawa kit, they're reknown for their quality, detail, and price to match. But as an adult I don't have to save up allowance for a kit!
That being said, I don't build those kinds of models anymore. My leisure time is spent with gaming models. Interests change over time.
But I think its also true that the kids these days are building model kit less and less. And its not just CCGs, look at the Video games these days. model kits can't compete with that kind of "instant gratification" of switching on your PS2 and going to town on the bad guys. Which is kind of sad, because the skills and patience taught build those kits are lost on today's youth.