In the past I was(and still am) an absolute fan of the Babylon5Wars Tabletop.
After "Agents of Gaming" had to close their gates and Mongoose got the B5 license and released B5:ACTA there was little hope to see that great realistic tactical tabletop system ever again.
ACTA is a nice and fast system and I also play it, but I (and many other gamers) really miss the realistic system of B5Wars.
What about re-releasing the B5W system? You also re-produced the original B5Wars miniatures and releasing the original B5Wars game(maybe as revised 3rd Edition)would also push the miniature sells.
You also could include some conversion rules to combine both systems(B5Wars for smaller and more detailed skirmishes and ACTA for larger scale battles).
Also it might be a nice idea to use the B5W rules as an open gaming system with rules included to create the ships of every universe you might desire(Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate,...). The specific rules for the B5 Universe could be included in an optional supplement.
The guys of Mongoose own(at least at the moment) the license to use the B5 background. Is there anyone who owns any license/rights on the B5W system??
B5Wars was a great and very detailed system(even a lot better and much more realistic as the good old Starfleet Battles).
Also there was another space combat system (turning point), also dreated by AoG. Any information about that? I never had the chance to play it or read the rules, but when it is as nice as B5W it might be worth a closer look.
So, what about re-releasing of B5W? There was a lot of work that already had been done by AoG to create that great game, why don't use this work?
In the past I was(and still am) an absolute fan of the Babylon5Wars Tabletop.
After "Agents of Gaming" had to close their gates and Mongoose got the B5 license and released B5:ACTA there was little hope to see that great realistic tactical tabletop system ever again.
ACTA is a nice and fast system and I also play it, but I (and many other gamers) really miss the realistic system of B5Wars.
What about re-releasing the B5W system? You also re-produced the original B5Wars miniatures and releasing the original B5Wars game(maybe as revised 3rd Edition)would also push the miniature sells.
You also could include some conversion rules to combine both systems(B5Wars for smaller and more detailed skirmishes and ACTA for larger scale battles).
Also it might be a nice idea to use the B5W rules as an open gaming system with rules included to create the ships of every universe you might desire(Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate,...). The specific rules for the B5 Universe could be included in an optional supplement.
The guys of Mongoose own(at least at the moment) the license to use the B5 background. Is there anyone who owns any license/rights on the B5W system??
B5Wars was a great and very detailed system(even a lot better and much more realistic as the good old Starfleet Battles).
Also there was another space combat system (turning point), also dreated by AoG. Any information about that? I never had the chance to play it or read the rules, but when it is as nice as B5W it might be worth a closer look.
So, what about re-releasing of B5W? There was a lot of work that already had been done by AoG to create that great game, why don't use this work?