Babylon 5 The Final Flight of Santiago ?

Satai Delenn

I was looking on and found the above book for 9.95 if memory serves by Bryan Steele .Here is a silly question what kind of book is it.
Satai Delenn said:
I was looking on and found the above book for 9.95 if memory serves by Bryan Steele .Here is a silly question what kind of book is it.

I'd hope it was a scenario book :)
If it is...I don't know anything about it yet. :)

Seriously though, I know I'm slotted for some serious B5 action (like I should be working on now! :wink: ) for 2006.

Could be a nice little one shot adventure, from both sides, the EA security forces and the assasination side to pay out around the end of Season 1, it could maybe even tie into The Fiery Trial in a very subtle way perhaps.

I am assuming Mongoose Steele is the author of the book in question .Then my next question is this from your post I can only assume you haven't been assigned the to do the book yet.Then how can Amazon have set release date for a book that hasn't been printed yet ? Seriously confused here.
I think this is a temporarl paradox. The title of the book has come back in time, so now the author has the idea to write the book which enables it to be published and come back in time.

But if the title had not come back through time, the book will never be written.

Or it could be Amazon, since they have 'The League', 'Colonies' and 'A Dream Given Form' sourcebooks for the Babylon Projest listed.
Last time I checked, 'Final Flight' had been put on my to-do list. It's not even in development yet, really, but the current plan is a West Wing meets 24 meets Babylon 5 scenario with pregen characters...
Mongoose Gar said:
Last time I checked, 'Final Flight' had been put on my to-do list. It's not even in development yet, really, but the current plan is a West Wing meets 24 meets Babylon 5 scenario with pregen characters...

Sweet :) Poor, poor PCs... :twisted:
Sounds very cool. Maybe history can be changed at the end. :)

"We've just recieved intellegence of a threat to the President."
Your daughter is kidnapped.
02:00 -12:00
Run around franticly.
Save your daughter
Your daughter is kidnapped.
15:00 -22:00
Run around franticly.
Save your daughter
EF1 explodes. :lol:
Mongoose Gar said:
Last time I checked, 'Final Flight' had been put on my to-do list. It's not even in development yet, really, but the current plan is a West Wing meets 24 meets Babylon 5 scenario with pregen characters...


Good political role-playing is always fun.

Hmmm you know that gives me an idea....