[B52E] ETA Full Season Guide


I wanto to know the status ofthe full season guide... It will be my birthday in september and I need to know if I put 1st edition seasons guides in the birthday list or if I can hope to have the 2nd edition. I would prefer to have the 2nd edition cause I suppose it would have all equipments/feats/characters in 2nd edition but If I cannot have it, I suppose I can manage a few conversions myself :wink:

Any news so ?
Well, what's the news? Any news at all? This book is still listed in at least two online-stores (scifigenre.com and paizo.com), though no date is set for it's release. What gives?

I am looking forward to this release, even though I allready have all the 1. ed. stuff. :P
I am waiting with bated breath...
Waylander. said:
What is the status for the full season guide ?

i was told Indefinitely Postponed a few months back, which i suppose is Mongeeze for it could appear at ANY time :)
Hi guys,

Now we have our own printing facility, this sort of project is certainly doable - it just comes down to a question of time, as it will be a big one!

We'll have another look at this in 2008.