B5 Space Combat Example


it might be a stubid question,

but can somebody give me a space combat example, how it really functions

with the targeting bonus, with the multifirering weapons and so on, duble firing weapons

why make an targeting roll anyway? for the +2 bonus? is this everything or am i missing something

thanks in advance
Can I also add to this:

How does a fighter pilot use his targetting comp; s/he needs to use a standard action to lock on until his next turn when s/he fires; however the rules seem to suggest that the lock is lost before the pilot fires...

(This has probably been answered elsewhere or I'm just being a bit thick...)
Steve said:
Can I also add to this:

How does a fighter pilot use his targetting comp; s/he needs to use a standard action to lock on until his next turn when s/he fires; however the rules seem to suggest that the lock is lost before the pilot fires...

(This has probably been answered elsewhere or I'm just being a bit thick...)

I have changed the rules sligtly, they can try to lock on (using the standard rules) and if they succeed, the lock stays until they want to change target or the target is destroyed. Larger ships that has several sensor operators can lock onto different targets.