B5 - ACtA - Initiate Jump Point SA restrictions


Looking for an official answer on this one.

Is a ship on the special action Initiate Jump Point restricted from firing if it has the AJP trait?

Relevant citations as I understand them -

page 14 in main rules - under the SA IJP "A ship initiating a jump point has its Speed score is halved for this turn. In addition, it may not fire any weapons."

page 16 in main rules - under trait AJP "The jump point of the ship entering realspace will not deviate and the ship may act normally on the turn it arrives."

page 21 in main rules - jump points "a ship entering the battlefield from a jump point may not turn, fire any weapons, launch auxiliary craft or use any special actions in the same turn, unless they have the have the AJP trait."

What I gather from that is a ship on IJP with AJP in realspace may not fire and has its speed score halved as per the IJP SA. The AJP trait and the jump point rules only address the AJP equipped ship in relation to moving from hyper to real, not the action of keeping the jump point open itself.

A ship in hyper and entering realspace it through a jump point with AJP acts normally. But does AJP remove the restricts of the IJP special action as well as the restrictions for moving through a jump point. This is relevant both when attempting to leave the field by creating a jump point and when arriving through one.

- Hate to be a stickler but am acting as judge at the moment in a campaign.
think the restriction does apply to ships wanting to enter hyperspace as doesnt say any differant, AJP just means you can place the jump point better.
however if coming from hyperspace even if its the ship that initiated the jump point it can act normally as per:

page 16 in main rules - under trait AJP "The jump point of the ship entering realspace will not deviate and the ship may act normally on the turn it arrives."

this obviously shows its jump point wont deviate (except under armageddon rules) and the ship can act normally so covers both parts.
As fas as I know, a ship transiting though a jump point it opened doesn't have to use the IJP action on that turn, only on the turns it opens or maintains the point for other ships to use.
Lorcan Nagle said:
As fas as I know, a ship transiting though a jump point it opened doesn't have to use the IJP action on that turn, only on the turns it opens or maintains the point for other ships to use.

My understanding, and the way I've always seen it played at Mongoose is that you need to keep using the SA until the ship opening the (A)JP moves onto the board.

But let's all leave the thread alone for an official answer to come down.
