In pp 153 Conan The Role Playing Game Atlantean Edition it says...
" If a character suffers a hit from a weapon whose total Armour Piercing score equals or exceeds the damage reduction score of his armour, then the damage reduction provided by the armour is halved for purposes of that blow"
Does this mean that the next round this reduction (halved) of the protection provided by the armour will be canceled?So if someone has an scale hauberk that provides him with 6 damage reduction and someone with a weapon whose armour piercing is 6 and hits, for this round the damage reduction of the scale will be 3 and the next round will be again 6??
I think this is not possible because when a weapon has 6 armour piercing that means it can "damage" the scale hauberk and the reduction of this damage will remain until the wearer fix it!Anyone can help me with it?
Thank You
" If a character suffers a hit from a weapon whose total Armour Piercing score equals or exceeds the damage reduction score of his armour, then the damage reduction provided by the armour is halved for purposes of that blow"
Does this mean that the next round this reduction (halved) of the protection provided by the armour will be canceled?So if someone has an scale hauberk that provides him with 6 damage reduction and someone with a weapon whose armour piercing is 6 and hits, for this round the damage reduction of the scale will be 3 and the next round will be again 6??
I think this is not possible because when a weapon has 6 armour piercing that means it can "damage" the scale hauberk and the reduction of this damage will remain until the wearer fix it!Anyone can help me with it?
Thank You