Arkat said:
Nice table!
Thanks, I want to go back to it again, and reformat it more liek RQ2, that is by location rather than by type. I find that is is easier to outfit a character that way. I'm also going to try to add in a few more missing types and pieces.
Ever wonder why there was no heavy leather for the arms? :shock:
I think the main reason why you don't see heavy leather for the arms is that RQ2 didn't provide heavy leather for locations where cuirboilli was avaialable. Probably becuase is was similar, provided better protection, and only slighly more expensive.
If you want them, I'll add them to the chart, for now you can just use:
Hard Leather Vambrances AP: 2,
ENC: 1,
Covers: Arms,
Cost: 100 SP,
Skill Penalty: -4%
Arkat said:
One of the very few things that RQ3 did right was to make a better armor table, though admittedly they mucked up by bumping the armor values up.
I take it you are not a big RQ3 fan. Personally, I like RQ3 as much as RQ2, perhaps more (I don't like MRQ much at all).
I prefer the RQ3 armor values, too.
For one thing it gives you a lot more room to play around with to fit in different types of armor.
Secondly, since the average human's SIZ went from 10-11 to 13, most people get a +1D4 damage bouns anyway, so the armor vlaes helps to pffset that.
Lastly, a good suit of mail or plate will stop most sword blows. YOu might get some brusing (or chafing for that matter), but generally most strikes are not going to hurt let alone harm. 7 point mail and 8 point plate covered that nicely. That is one reason why there are stories about battles where no knight were seriously hurt.
NOw I can see lower AP values for Glorantha, both due to the weaker materials (glorantha bronze) and becuase "plate" in Glornatha refers to a breatplate, greaves, braces, and a helmet, and not articulated plate.