Armageddon 2089, Past and planned releases . . . .


Hi qall,

as a recent convert to Armageddon 2089, I am hastily trying to purchase all the supplements. as such I just want to check if I have the complete want list.

Armageddon : 2089 Total War Main Rulebook (GOT THIS)
Armoured Companies
Behind Enemy Lines: Kazakhstan
Earth 2089
The High Frontier
The Soldier's Companion
War Machines of 2089
Upgrades : Armour (Mystic Eye Games supplement)
Standing Alone : A Shotgun Mike Novel (GOT THIS)
Various S&P articles (GOT THESE)

My main question is is this all the releases, and did Armour Upgrades actually come out, posts on this thread suggest otherwise :

Also, what releases are planned for the future, the above thread and this one include some suggestions from Mongoose:

The possibles include novels (msprange says there are 3 in the pipeline as of Dec 2003, but we've only had one!), graphic novels, a minis game, a possible revision of the game.

I'll maybe know more about this once I have time to scan the old threads on this section of the forum but until then I ask for info from the source.

I just really like this setting, if there is more coming I'd like to know, if not, I'm thankful for what there is and I want to make sure I get it all.

Newest A:2089 convert?
Maybe they could do something with it sort of based on the power armour from the upcoming SST?

I e-mailed Mystic Eye games to ask about Upgrades: Armour but no reply yet.

I just skimmed through all the old S&P articles on A:2089, loved them all. I especially would like to know what happened to the graphic novels.

(Need to get all the supplements)
Their preview would have been a close match for the suiits from the SST book. Problem is they outclassed tiny and small meks.

I would not expect a reply from them, others have tried for months.

Ah well, I had to try.

Thanks Lane for the info.

And no way should an armoured suit be able to overpower a small Mek. out manoeuvre maybe, but not overpower.

I`m also interested in A2089 releases - especially the miniatures game!

Dear Mongoose - do have some answers! :lol:
A2089 is not a dead series it will become a table top game if they can find the right rules(so says mongoose old bear at the tourney) it also has graphic novels and books which is not bad at all 8)
another thread has said there is in total 3 books and the graphic novels are done just awaiting on how the SST graphic does also alot of mongooses energy is being used to make sure SST is launched right after that is most likely when we will get answers old boy 8)
I highlighted the three novels thread as the second one in my original post here tooty. nice of you to catch up :wink:

I knnow they're working hard on SST just now, as long as they don't forget A:2089, but we won't let them do that , will we old boy?

lastbesthope said:
I just really like this setting, if there is more coming I'd like to know, if not, I'm thankful for what there is and I want to make sure I get it all.


Just keeping the pressure up and fishing for more info... 8)