Arachnid Invasion Force Deal

For those of us who are lazy:


Looking to terrify Mankind? You cannot go wrong with the Arachnid Invasion Force. . .

Spearheaded by the immense and heavily armoured Tanker Bug, the Arachnid Invasion Force, also includes 18 Warrior Bugs, and 9 fast-flying Rippler Bugs. There are also three additional models that can be built as either Blister or Blaster Bugs, giving you some ranged support.

With some suitable Tunnel Assets, this force totals 1,000 points, enough for you to either begin playing Starship Troopers, or add to your growing Arachnid army.

It's $120
I really like MGP's army deals... This is 155$ worth of models for 120$.

Not like GW where the army "deals" are like 152$ worth of models for 150$ WOOHOO!
Hell Yes, this'll save me money *Decides to buy that instead of boxs, other than hoppers and plasma, oh and brainbug :D

*Happy Days* :lol:
I look forward to being able to buy that as a prepainted box.

I was waiting for prepainted all my life to begin wargames...
Good choice of units, nice price.
As I'll have to buy a Megasquad of warriors soon anyway, I think I will get this box instead, adding another Tanker and those fabolous Ripplers to my army.
Since I play MI I sure won't be buying the bugs, but offer is excellent anyway - and pretty good choice of models too.
Is it just me or isn't it funny coincidence that these deals have started to appear now? I could swear there was some discussion about if only Mongoose would release GW battallion style boxed sets...Maybe Mongoose listened as these sure look like those(and damn good ones too!) :lol: [/u]
Not to mention what will come out first - Slingshot or TAC Fighter - that will be happening in accordance with the public's opinion I think.
Voracioustigger said:
MGP does a LOT of things asked for by the forums...

Remember Rippler and Warrior bug Mega-Swarms? Also ideas discussed on the forums.


But just thought worth pointing out with all the negative going around. I find it nice that Mongoose clearly does listen to what customers wish for.
roughneck GIR said:
Reborn said:
Not to mention what will come out first - Slingshot or TAC Fighter - that will be happening in accordance with the public's opinion I think.

Nah. Transports first! Slingshot! Then Skyhooks! THEN maybe tacs :lol:

Can't wait to be able to drop my army via air transports. Drop pods all fine and dandy but there's something about air transports :p
I would guess that the deals also serve to keep up interest in SST and shift stock that is going to be somewhat redundant in 7 months time.