APOCALYPSE NOW in Hyboria [scenario ideas]

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ere are a few 'apocalyptic' scenario ideas for all u bored 'rpg-masters' + novice 'ages of conaan' writers...

1. an earthquake [or 'buxom sorcery'?] causes a huge rift channel to link the vilayet sea to the southern ocean! so pirates +merchants can now sail to any port in all hyboria, if they can get past all the huge mutant sea monsters..?

2. the great western ocean drains away! so now your heros can plod across seabed to plunder the ruins of atlantis, etc..?

3. a mad sorcerer floods the whole world! sea levels quickly rise so high that only the top of Croms mountain is left dry. 13 very different heros fight to the death atop the sacred peak.
the winner is the undisputed master of all hyboria...
..until a huge foot stamps down + booming devine laughter mocks the squashed champion ! :lol: . :twisted:

.. + so shall be the fate of all foolish hype?!? :P
if these 'lotus induced ideas' ever appear in any rpg 'hyper-supplement' or novel then i will swallow my master's sword..
oh, i musta been dreaming?
er, i dont know what came over me just then?
oh yeah, now i remember..
it was Set!?!
Thanks Princess
great fun! :D

I'll watch out for Crom's foot? :lol:
Hey Buxom lotus
All your fun ideas involve sea-water? So are you a buxom Mermaid or a voluptuous water-elemental? :D
its 'element-ary' dear Poseidon..
i'm not very 'ele', but i've always been a bit 'mental'. :lol:

+ i like to shape-change into a mermaid + tease Amra + his lusty crew of scurvy sea-dogs.
Belit hates it when i get more attention than her! :P

i luv being drenched by the foaming waves..
salty kisses from me ***