thulsa said:
1. Does it affect humans/humanoids only, or monsters as well? (Target says "Living creature", text refers to "the person".) Note that Domination works only on humanoids.
The spell says "one living creature" so I'd say that includes monsters (but not undead or constructs). Outsiders and elementals are technically living creatures and in a DnD game this should work on them but in a Conan game I could see it not working or maybe giving them a bonus to their save.
2. Must the target be able to understand the sorcerer's language, or is the command telepathic? (From the description in Mass Hypnotic Suggestion one can infer that the targets must actually hear the sorcerer's voice, so that would seem to indicate that the sorcerer must actually issue a spoken command.) [If it is language-dependent, that would rule out a lot of animals and monsters as targets.]
Yes, the spell description says that you must "word" a suggestion of no more than "a sentance or two", this indicates that the spell is a sonic, language-dependent spell. Of course a tricky sorcorer may have many ways of speaking to strange creatures in a manner that they can understand.
3a. What are the limits of the spell, and more specifically what are its uses in combat? What can it make targets do? What can Hypnotic Suggestion and Mass Hypnotic Suggestion do, compared to Domination? Can it make the targets fight for the sorcerer (possibly against their own allies) or make them drop their weapons, run away, etc.?
The spell says that you can "influence" the actions of the target with a "suggestion" that "sounds reasonable to the person". It also says that the spell "can remove the influence of either the conscious will or the unconscious desires, so that they will perform the suggested course of action that otherwise reason ro instinct might have prevented."
What this means is that the spell lets you either 1) if something would normall seem like a good/bad idea if it wern't for extenuating circumstances then the spell can make the target forget about those circumstances and do/not do that thing (in a similar vein it can also suggest a new order of priorities for a target). Or else 2) if something would normally seem desierable/undesierable the spell can alter that and make the target behave according to his new values. The limit is that you must express this change in attitude in terms the target would think are reasonable if the suggested altered perception really was true. For example you can
suggest to a target that he is really
really thirsty and it is more important that he go find water than stay and guard his post, but you could not
suggest that he pick up a rock and eat it because eating rocks is never reasonable.
The difference between
suggestion and
domination is that suggestion only plants an idea in the target's mind and then leaves him alone to carry that idea out (although the magic of the spell does make the idea seem
verry important) wheras domination supresses all free will and makes the target little more than a puppet on a string.
3b. What about self-destructive actions, like jumping off a cliff or impaling oneself on a spear? In this case I assume the targets would at least get a new Will save with a +2 bonus, in line with the Domination spell.
No, that is what the more powerful domination spell is for (and even then domination gives you a second save). Besides, your suggestion must seem "reasonable", how could you ever make impaling yourself on a spear sou sound reasonable? (unless maybe the target is already suicidal, then I might let it work).
Some classic examples of
suggestion in combat:
We are clearly stronger than you. Surrender now before you get hurt!
(Note: you do not need to kill one of his allies first in order to make this work, if you have killd an ally or really are clearly stronger then he should get a -2 to save for an espically reasonable suggestion)
Your friend there is bleeding to death on the ground. You must carry him to a doctor
right now!
(again, this probably warrants a -1 or -2 penalty to saving throw)
My friend there is too quick for you to hit him with your big sword. I suggest you drop it and try to grapple him instead!
(works great if you know your friend has combat reflexes and suspect the enemy doesn't have Imp Grapple :twisted: )
The archer in the cliffs is obviously much more of a threat than we are. I suggest you ignore us and go try to get him first!
In the name of Mitra! Aren't you sweating under all that armor? I suggest you take it off before you pass out from heat stroke!
Look at me in my robes, I'm no threat! Go get the big guy in armor first!
(the signature move of BBEScholars who don't care about their meat shields the world round 8) )
Some popular out of combat
Hey, what's that over there? You better go take a look. I mean, as a guard its your job to know who's skulking about right?
Don't you know who he is? Damn straight! If you value your job then I'd suggest you tell him exactly what he wants to know.
You wouldn't part an old man and his walking stick, would you?
( -2 penalty to save on this one if you have a beard and pointy hat)
These aren't the slave girls you're looking for.
( -2 penalty to save if you have a beard and dirty robes)
Hope that helps.