Alternate 'superhero' specialists.

Just finished this one:

From the superfigs range by westwind, they've got a lot of stuff that's useful for GOMC-1 in the road rage and superfigs ranges.
Could you post a link?

Are you using it exclusively for GOMC-1?

Infernal square bases...

Nice paint job dude.

What else.... oh, why donl;t you write a Signs and portents article for some alternates?
He's for superfigs too :)
Base was the only option as he's on a 'cast on' oval base and I had to blend it into his new one. A round base would have needed to be far to big, the square one fit nicely. And I was basing up confrontation stuff at the time anyway:)
Use clippers to clip to the edges of the feet, then file the bottoms down as much as possible. Then 'texture' as desired.

I've done it with these buggers -


I'm using them as Citi-Def.
Alright. Lt and Jose, how about both of you posting links to the respective companies that make those miniatures? Very nice paint jobs on all of them, by the way.

As for the S&P article, the only problem I can see is the fact that it is a house magazine and an article on alternate miniatures might not be something that they want to see published. Any game in the miniature field makes its money from the minis, not the books. Of course given the fact that MGP is not currently supporting GoMC-1, they might let it go through...
dyssnowman said:
Alright. Lt and Jose, how about both of you posting links to the respective companies that make those miniatures? Very nice paint jobs on all of them, by the way.

As for the S&P article, the only problem I can see is the fact that it is a house magazine and an article on alternate miniatures might not be something that they want to see published. Any game in the miniature field makes its money from the minis, not the books. Of course given the fact that MGP is not currently supporting GoMC-1, they might let it go through...

East riding miniatures Sci Fi.

As for the bases, as GOMC-1 doesn't insist on a base size, I just use a variety, makes it easier to mix and match figs from different ranges (confrontation being square and me wanting a gang of giant werewolves).
I just use what fits at the time :)
If I want to take a cast on base off, I just put it on the mini belt sander and take it down to the feet.
doesnt look very 'comic' but a superhero still. Remember, MC-1 'superheroes' are fakes. They wear suits to make themselves fly, stronger etc... I like comical ones. But yours is cool, reminds me of an EE space marine.
Just looks like a bloke in a power suit with a cape :)
he's coloured to match my undercity gang.... all GW plastics converted into a Buffy the vampire slayer style demon/mutant gang.
Just started painting today.