Alternate Hyperion Eta & Epsilon


I came up with these alternate versions of the Eta and Epsilon models of the Hyperion crusier based on the AoG versions.

Hyperion class Heavy Cruiser:
Colossal II Spacecraft: hp 500; DV 6 (-10 size, +6 agility); DR 18; Spd-; Acc 4; Dcc 2; Han +2; Sensor +3 (+4 Epsilon); Stealth 14; SQ Jump Point, Long-Ranged; Cargo 150,000lbs.; 4 Officers, 10 Pilots, 12 Sensor Operators, 38 Crewmen (64 total)

Eta Model Weapons:
Twin-Linked Heavy Laser Cannon; Boresight; Attack +2 (targeting computer); Damage 80+8d10; Critical 19-20; Range 6
Seven Medium Pulse Cannons; 2 Boresight, 1 Front, 1 Left, 1 Right, 2 Rear; Attack +2 (targeting computer); Damage 10+2d10; Critical 19-20; Range 4; Rapid Fire
Tri-Linked Particle Beams; Turret; Attack +2 (targeting computer); Damage 10+3d10; Critical 20; Range 3
Four Mk I Interceptors; 2Front/Left/Right, 2 Rear/Left/Right; Attack +3 (targeting computer); Damage 10+2d10; Critical 20; Range 1; Rapid Fire

Epsilon Model Weapons:
Twin-Linked Heavy Laser Cannon; Boresight; Attack +2 (targeting computer); Damage 80+8d10; Critical 19-20; Range 6
Twin-Linked Heavy Pulse Cannon; Boresight; Attack +3 (targeting computer); Damage 20+3d10; Critical 19-20; Range 5; Rapid Fire
Three Medium Pulse Cannons; 1 Front, 1 Left, 2 Rear; Attack +2 (targeting computer); Damage 10+2d10; Critical 19-20; Range 4; Rapid Fire
Tri-Linked Particle Beams; Boresight; Attack +2 (targeting computer); Damage 10+3d10; Critical 20; Range 3
Four Mk I Interceptors; 2Front/Left/Right, 2 Rear/Left/Right; Attack +3 (targeting computer); Damage 10+2d10; Critical 20; Range 1; Rapid Fire

6 Starfuries, 2 Shuttles
I can give you a quick run down of the AoG weapon coverage (now that I'm at home) - these will differ from the Shipview ACtA's ones though.

Eta Hyperion Patrol Cruiser

Medium Pulse Cannons;
1 Forward 240 degrees
2 Forward 120 degrees
1 Left 180 degrees
1 Right 180 degrees
2 Rear 240 degrees

Heavy Lasers
1 30 degrees left off boresight
1 30 degrees right off boresight (these are Boresight in Mongoose terms)

Particle Beams;
3 Turret (360 degrees)

MK 1 Interceptors (all 180 degree arcs)
1 (120 degrees to left of forward through to 60 degrees right of forward)
1 (120 degrees to right of forward through to 60 degrees left of forward)
1 (120 degrees to left of aft through to 60 degrees right of aft)
1 (120 degrees to right of aft through to 60 degrees left of aft)

Epsilon Hyperion Command Cruiser

Heavy Pulse Cannons
2 Forward 30 degrees

Medium Pulse Cannons;
1 Forward 240 degrees
2 Rear 240 degrees

Heavy Lasers
1 30 degrees left off boresight
1 30 degrees right off boresight (these are Boresight in Mongoose terms)

Particle Beams;
3 Turret (360 degrees)

MK 1 Interceptors (all 180 degree arcs)
1 (120 degrees to left of forward through to 60 degrees right of forward)
1 (120 degrees to right of forward through to 60 degrees left of forward)
1 (120 degrees to left of aft through to 60 degrees right of aft)
1 (120 degrees to right of aft through to 60 degrees left of aft)
kinda like that?
although that still gives the Eta, if they Rapid Fire use of thePulse Cannons, the potential to do 180+29d10 on a Boresight attack
the Epsilon can do 180+26d10 Boresight.
that still makes the Eta the more powerful ship in my book.
EricRoss said:
kinda like that?

Some of the arcs are "off" by quite a margin, I'd suggest the following substitutions...

Eta Model Weapons:
Seven Medium Pulse Cannons; 2 Forward, 1 Front, Left, Right, 1 Left, 1 Right, 2 Rear, Left, Right;

Epsilon Model Weapons:
Three Medium Pulse Cannons; 1 Front, Left, Right, 2 Rear, Left, Right;
Tri-Linked Particle Beams; Turret;

EricRoss said:
although that still gives the Eta, if they Rapid Fire use of thePulse Cannons, the potential to do 180+29d10 on a Boresight attack
the Epsilon can do 180+26d10 Boresight.
that still makes the Eta the more powerful ship in my book.

Only close in; further out, the Epsilon has the edge, and being able to do damage at range is always good in my book :)