

What would he be. Wonder what Gms and Players alike can come with to this question? We fiqure he knows Counterspells and Oriental Magic and is a scholar of sorts.

But he isnot Evil. so If anyone wanted to run Campaighns based on the movies what would Akiro stats be like?
Well, he's definitely a Khitan Scholar if that helps! :wink:

I would suggest the following....

Akiro: Male Khitan Scholar 9
HD 9d6+9; HP 41; Init +4 (+1 Dex, +3 Ref); Spd 30 ft; Dodge 14; Parry 12; DR 0; Base ATK/Grapple +6/+5; ATK Staff +6/+1 melee (2d4-1, AP 0, 20/x2) or war spear +5/+0 melee (1d10-1, AP 1, 20/x3); SA None; SQ +2 Power Points, advanced spells x7, base Power Points, bonus spells x2, knowledge is power, increased maximum Power Points (triple), new sorcery style x4, -2 racial penalty to saves vs hypnotism, scholar; SV Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +13; STR 9, DEX 13, CON 11, INT 18, WIS 20, CHA 16; Skills: Bluff +13, Concentration +12, Craft (alchemy) +16, Craft (herbalism) +14, Decipher Script +12, Heal +19, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (arcane) +19, Knowledge (history) +19, Knowledge (nature) +15, Knowledge (religion) +13, Listen +11, Move Silentlly+9, Perform (ritual) +14, Sense Motive +11, Survival +13; Feats: Endurance, Iron Will, Knowledgeable, Self-Sufficient, Summoner, Toughness, Weapon Focus (staff); Code of Honour: None; Reputation 17 (Talented); Leadership: - ; Allegiances: Conan; Base Power Points: 9 (4 base, +3 Wis, +2 bonus, 27 maximum); Sorcery Styles: Countersells, Divination, Prestidigitation, Summonings; Spells Known: Astrological prediction, burst barrier, dream of wisdom, conjuring, demonic pact, greater sorcerous news, greater telekinesis, greater warding, rune of Jhebbal Sag, sorcerous news, summon demon, telekinesis, warding; Corruption: 0

This seems pretty close to what's in the movies. He's not much of a fighter but he is very knowledgeable and good in a supporting role. While Akiro lacks a Code of Honour (hey, he summons demons) he is not evil per se (hence, no Corruption). I had debated giving him Curses and/or Oriental Magic instead of Counterspells and Divination, but they did not fit the character as presented in the movies. Besides, he *did* live near a haunted, ancient ruin and the ghosts didn't bother him too much, so Counterspells seemed like more of a natural choice. :)

Hope that helps!
Never seen him summon a demon.Spells I seen him cast and I own the movies. A Ward to bring conan from the dead, so could raise dead.Lighting a Torch,and opening doors or closeing them magically.and this he wasnot that good at.He couldnot open the door seperateing Conan from the party when they faced Thoth-Amon. Thoth was just a more powerful wizard.

Not sure what is all in Conan only own the pocket guide, but see Fire Witchcraft if ever it exist, Counterpells,and Oriental Magic. Divination a defineate 4th Conan asked for a way into Shadizar in the 2nd movie Akiro found it useing magic.
But interesting Npc their.
Hmmm....I haven't watched the movies for a little while, but I have watched them *lots* of times. The spirits at the ancient ruin that he uses to bring Conan back from the dead seem more like, well, demons than ghosts. I would say that Akrio had summoned them or called upon them for aid in raising Conan from the dead. I don't think Oriental Magic really fits what we saw him do in the movies, nor does Necromancy as he is clearly not "evil" enough to deal in this kind of magic. Summoning the spirits of a place might not be as out-and-out vile and/or corrupt as summoning an actual demon however, so the Summonings style seems to suit the character more in my opinion.

But that's just my interpretation of course. :D
tofu said:
Never seen him summon a demon.Spells I seen him cast and I own the movies.

The idea that he can summon demons comes from the quote, "I can summon a demon more powerful than all in Hell!" He is either boasting or stating a fact. I guess that is up to the individual watcher. I, personally, think he can do it. He did summon something when healing Conan.

tofu said:
A Ward to bring conan from the dead, so could raise dead.

Conan wasn't dead. He was nearly dead - and anyone who has ever seen "The Princess Bride" knows the difference here. Since Conan saw Subotai coming, he would have had the willpower to keep going - it would have been very uncharacteristic of him to die on the brink of salvation. The novelization is clearer that he was not quite dead yet.

tofu said:
Lighting a Torch,and opening doors or closeing them magically.and this he wasnot that good at.He couldnot open the door seperateing Conan from the party when they faced Thoth-Amon. Thoth was just a more powerful wizard.

When did he face Thoth-amon? Do you mean Toth-Amon from Conan the Destroyer? (note: he was called Amon-Rama in the novelization)
When did he face Thoth-amon? Do you mean Toth-Amon from Conan the Destroyer? (note: he was called Amon-Rama in the

Ok Toth amon then. And yes I read the novel. was refering to the movie. Not sure how I messed that one up. Might go watch the 2nd movie again this time in in Closed-Caption.

for your entertainement though recognize this?
