

Cosmic Mongoose

The battle was over days ago. They had come in with the rest of the flotilla at maximum gee and caught the enemy in the midst of refuelling. One fast pass, and the missiles had torn through them and sent them tumbling to their doom.

A storm of laser fire and railgun rounds had come after them, but by a miracle nothing had hit them as they flashed past.

It took them 20hrs to slow down, and the Captain chose to orbit the gas giant the long way around to confirm the kills and that nothing was left of the enemy corvette.

It was just their luck that a stray railgun round had hit them. A one in a billion shot from desperate gunners firing everything they had at the incoming missiles the day before. Some of those rounds had been trapped in the giant's orbit and coming up on the dark side they had just been unlucky.

The round punched through the ship, through and through. The drives immediately shut down and the pressure doors sealed as fuel sprayed across the compartments.

People died as they tried to seal their suits, ripped by flying spall from the armour fragments. Others dragged the patches and sealant into position reducing the roar of escaping air to a whisper.

In a moment it was silence as all the crew sealed their helmets, and awaited orders. They were in a low orbit, inside the outer edges of the giant to fool any remaining enemy sensors. They all knew that without engines back online soon, things were going to get really bad...

Text my Tom Mouat
Art by me 2.png