After the End of the Markab


Does anaybody know, which Races now claim Markab space after all Markab had died ?

And which weapons / technology from the Markab can we found in the future on EA Vessels ?
Not that I know to. The fact that the species jumped races (from Markab to Pak'ma'ra) may make some govermnents less likely to try and colonise the world. That said, it became something of a focal point for scavengers, and probably would be so for some time, IMHO.

As far as weapons or technology, I don't know if Markab technology was retro-fitted, if it was any more advanced than anything the EA or any other government had. Anyone else?
If i remember correctly, the markab jumpgate was the one sheridian blew up to destroy the shadow vessel because people had been going and pillaging the planet.
Garet said:
If i remember correctly, the markab jumpgate was the one sheridian blew up to destroy the shadow vessel because people had been going and pillaging the planet.

Yes, he did. That would preclude the smaller scavengers (those without the ability to make their own jump-gate) from ripping the remains of the Markab civilisation to pieces.

Speaking of which, does anyone think it odd that the Markab had a plague unleashed on them several hundred years before the B5 time line, and the Markab knew of the Shadows 1000 years ago, just like the Narn? If not, just ignore my paranoia complex please :wink:

( I think it was in one of the S2 episodes, The Long Dark possibly)

If i remember correctly

yep, no mention was made of the worlds being colonised.
Sheridan said that blowing up the gate would help stop the grave robbers.

from that you could infer that the systems are abandoned and groups only go there to loot them.

that`s not to say that a few I.P.X. expeditions might head in that direction, just to look for survivors of course! :wink:
I wrote a short story about that.

In my story, there are about 39 Marcabs still alive, who were fortunate enough to be somewhere isolated from the plague. They've all been treated with the vaccine, of course. They're basically hiding out on the Marcab Homeworld under the protection of the Minbari, collecting all the DNA samples they can from the remains of the dead so that eventually they will be able to have a stable breeding population again. They're at least a century away from being at that point, though.

In return for their protection, they gave the Minbari all the jump-capable starships they had, save maybe one or two, and the Minbari stripped the Quantium 40 out of them and used it to build the White Star Fleet. 8)

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. :)

Jon Acheson
In my story, there are about 39 Marcabs still alive

as far as i remember, Sheridan mentioned that some Markab might have survived on isolated stations.

so they might be out there, but as a race, they are effectively dead.
jal said:
In my story, there are about 39 Marcabs still alive

as far as i remember, Sheridan mentioned that some Markab might have survived on isolated stations.

so they might be out there, but as a race, they are effectively dead.

The Coming of Shadows book points to a few rogue Markabs having survived, but the race being effectively 'dead' due to the low numbers. Plus, there may be an odd Markab or two in statis, perhaps due to medical conditions/diseases, and waiting transfer back to a Medlab for potential healing.

If I can persuade one of my play group (when it gets running) to play a Markab, I'll play fair by them. Depending on what happens when the plague hits, I'll either have them generate a new character, or more likely suffer an injury of some kind that puts them in stasis. If they are a Markab and survive, then 'raiding' the Markab homeworld may have an entirely different perspective....
If they are a Markab and survive, then raiding the Markab homeworld may have an entirely different perspective....

seeing as the Markab are ultra religeous, do you think that one of them going on a "grave robbing" expedition would be viable/in character?

the Drafa (plague) was seen by the Markab as a judgement from on high against the immoral and corrupt in society, and would not really the best incentive to get a Markab back to the homeworld. :wink:
jal said:
If they are a Markab and survive, then raiding the Markab homeworld may have an entirely different perspective....

seeing as the Markab are ultra religeous, do you think that one of them going on a "grave robbing" expedition would be viable/in character?

the Drafa (plague) was seen by the Markab as a judgement from on high against the immoral and corrupt in society, and would not really the best incentive to get a Markab back to the homeworld. :wink:

Grave robbing no. Stopping others (non-Markabs) from doing that - yes. However, I would argue that a Markab that survived the plague would want to return home, and either prevent the grave-robbing or try and safeguard the best of their race, their culture, for the future.

There isn't any indication that the punishment imagery of the plague also condemns the possessions of the guilty. If it was, then no Markab would return home. Also, some Markabs may be 'more immoral', i.e. less bound to the religious belief of the plague, than others.
I would argue that a Markab that survived the plague would want to return home, and either prevent the grave-robbing or try and safeguard the best of their race, their culture, for the future.

There isn't any indication that the punishment image of the plague also condemns the possessions of the guilty. If it was, then no Markab would return home.

didn`t look at it from that angle.

following your rationale i would say that protecting his home and the memory of his people would be very in character for them. :) 8)
jal said:
I would argue that a Markab that survived the plague would want to return home, and either prevent the grave-robbing or try and safeguard the best of their race, their culture, for the future.

There isn't any indication that the punishment image of the plague also condemns the possessions of the guilty. If it was, then no Markab would return home.

didn`t look at it from that angle.

following your rationale i would say that protecting his home and the memory of his people would be very in character for them. :) 8)

That's what I was thinking. Imagining going through the trauma of an accident/disease/problem in hyperspace, to find out that your collegues couldn't heal you in time, and put you in a freezer unit until they got back to a medlab, only to find out that your entire race had died out from a religious plague, and your homeworld is being ransacked by the worst thieves and scum of the universe.

Sounds like a 'Crusade' of it's own... :-)
The HRT (Historical repair Team) published some maps post AoG's demise that postulated on the changes come the ISA era.

They had the Earth Alliance annex the systems now conveniently cut off from the League and next to Earth space...

You can get these maps (and many other things B5W) from