Adventure Synopsis - Prelude to Adventure

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(This adventure is really a jumping off point for my PC's. I am using it to gather them together before using some of the great stuff provided by this forum.)

Scene 1 – Dusk Brawl in the Marketplace

A Scorching noon sun has grudgingly given way to a muggy dusk. The musky twang of perspiration permeates the air throughout the marketplace as a few hundred people wander through the dozen or so vendors. It’s been a fair business day, but the true money is made in the early morning and at dusk; not too many customers are found in the market during the hottest portion of the afternoon.

You have come to the market to replace a small item; a belt buckle, a leather strap, a dagger. The vendors seem to have what you are looking for, but the throng is unruly today and people are pushing each other as they vie for attention. Not surprisingly, an argument breaks out.

“’ey! I been pointin at dat for 5 minutes with coin in hand. Why’d you sell it to him? ‘e just got ‘ere!”

The answer is lost in the din, but its result cannot be ignored. With a great crack, the left front tent pole breaks as a huge hamfist slams against it in frustration. As the tent collapses, the table in front is knocked over and the wares formally atop it are sent flying into the crowd. Customers turned thieves rush forward to grab the items amid the indignant howls of the merchant.

Roll a Reflex Save (DC 10). Success means that the PC’s are not swept aside by the crowd and are able to act accordingly. Failure means that they are knocked over and take 1-3 points of damage. A Dexterity check (DC 12) is required to stand up in the throng. Each of the PC’s are within the throng at the start, the reflex save determines if they are standing or sprawled to start.

Roll for Initiative with those knocked over using a –6 modifier.

The PC’s are in the middle of what is about to become an ugly brawl. The melee is going to be uncontrollable and brutal, even if the only weapons are fists, heads, teeth, legs and small daggers. Allow the PC’s to perform the following on their initiative round.

  • A. Attempt to stand up (DEX Check at DC 12 on round 1, then a STR check at DC 15 on each round thereafter. They are being trampled and take 1-3 points of damage each round.
    B. Attempt to escape the throng (DEX Check at DC 12 on round 1. If the PC is still down after round 1, then it is a STR check at DC 14. They forced to bully their way through the throng.
    C. Attempt to pick up a bauble (2 Successive DEX Checks on Round 1, 3 on Rounds 2+; The first is to avoid the crowd going down, the second is to grab the item. The third is another crowd avoidance. Failure on the 1st or 3rd means the character has been knocked over.)
    D. Enter the Melee – There are plenty of combatants, Swing Away. Note: Make sure you take note of what the PC’s are using for a weapon. Use cinematic technique here to put the PC’s at risk. No one is using a blade against them unless the PC’s pull one first. Use basic stats of Melee Attack +1, Dodge +2, DR 0, HPs 4. Assume all damage is subduing unless a blade or teeth are used. Also, damage dished out via critical hit is not subduing.
    E. Stay on the outer perimeter and watch.

Whichever action the PC’s take, the melee lasts only 6 rounds. On round 3, ask for a spot check. A success at DC 12 means that the PC sees that a covered chair being carried nearby is about to collapse as one of its bearers is knocked over. If nothing is done, the canopied chair will collapse. A fat man and lovely woman spill out and are in danger of being trod upon. On round 5, the city guard arrives and the melee stops shortly thereafter. (RND 6) The cleanup from the fight will take far longer than the fight itself.

The results of the encounter can be:

  • 1. The PCs keep the canopied chair from falling
    2. The PCs protect those who fell out of the chair from getting hit.
    3. The PCs ignore the occupants of the fallen chair, but did nothing for blame’
    4. The PCs get in trouble for fighting / stealing / killing and have ignored the occupants of the chair

If the PCs help and the occupants do not fall, the PC’s are given a pouch containing 20 silver coins and are invited to a dinner in honor of a local feast that is occurring on the following eve. The feast is being held at a large house in a well-to-do neighborhood. If the PCs did anything short of killing someone, they either we not seen, recognized, or no one comes forward to point the authorities in their direction. Accusations of murder, is another matter, however. (See below)

If the PCs help after the occupants fall, the PCs are given a pouch containing 30 silver coins and are invited to a dinner in their honor this eve. The feast is being held in the same large house in a well-to-do neighborhood. See above for accusations of wrongdoing. Basically, the person they helped is someone of power, someone to fear in this town. His preening and thanks to the PC’s cowers anyone from accusing them of anything. Even a death has a 50% chance of going unreported unless it was extremely visible.

Accusations of Murder

If the PCs are accused of murder, the noble can do nothing to stop the city guard from taking the offending person into custody. Allow for a chase, ala Aladdin or Indiana Jones style, if the PCs are inclined to run, but the longer it goes on, the more guards arrive to help. In the end, the PCs need to be captured. The guards will only chase the accused at first; but will expand the chase if anyone helps the accused. If this occurs, use Scene Two – A Dragon’s Dungeon. Use Scene Three – Feast and Famine directly if no one is put into custody or after Scene Two as appropriate.

More to follow if you want it.
Hrm...I guess this wasn't so good....

Comments on making it better?
What about a thief in the crowd? If the PCs stand on the perimeter, maybe a thief will attempt to pick their pockets.

Also, what if one of the PCs is throw into the melee by someone that doesn't like his race? ("... you dirty good for nothing Zamoran!!!")
I think it's pretty good, nice way to start an adventure, right in the thick of things, kind of like a bar room brawl only on a larger scale. (and everyone likes a good bar room brawl.)

I look forward to reading more.

urdinaran said:
What about a thief in the crowd? If the PCs stand on the perimeter, maybe a thief will attempt to pick their pockets.

Also, what if one of the PCs is throw into the melee by someone that doesn't like his race? ("... you dirty good for nothing Zamoran!!!")

I don't have PC's that 'stand aside', but I can see that I should plan for that. I like both these ideas for getting them involved in the action.
sanseveria said:
I think it's pretty good, nice way to start an adventure, right in the thick of things, kind of like a bar room brawl only on a larger scale. (and everyone likes a good bar room brawl.)

I look forward to reading more.


Thanks Sanseveria. More will be forthcoming.