I noticed that Runequest now supports "Legendary Abilities", but a character has to wait until he's developed legendary skill levels before he can take them.
What I'd like to see is Advantages and Disadvantages similar to those available in Gurps and Mage. Some of these would only be available at character creation, while others could be acquired later on through the use of Hero Points. I went through the GURPS rulebook and picked out a few advantages I thought might be easily translatable, and a couple of my own. I'd like some feedback on whether the Hero Point costs are fair, too low, or too high.
I'm not a big fan of mental disadvantages. In my opinion, if you want a character who never tells a lie or has a strong code of honor, then play your character that way, and I'll probably give you a couple of extra Hero Points. I will probably allow a disadvantage like Addiction or Phobia, which grants a specific penalty when it is triggered.
A few of the advantages that I came up with:
Absolute Timing (5 points) You always know what time it is. I took this one pretty much verbatum from the GURPS rulebook.
Extraordinary Attractiveness (10 points) You are extraordinarily attractive, gaining a +20% bonus to certain skill rolls. This advantage may be taken multiple times, and the bonus stacks.
Not The Face (15 points) A character with this advantage can reroll anytime a hit is scored to his head. If the result is anywhere except for the head, this result is used for hit location.
Photographic Memory (5 points) Your memory skills are practically unique in this world, since true photographic memory is believed to be impossible. If you concentrate on a scene, you will be able to remember every detail at any time in the future. Even if you haven’t concentrated on the scene, you can make a Memory skill roll and if you succeed, then you have enough details to reconstruct the scene in complete detail, without having to make a Memory skill roll for each detail.
Rapid Calculator (5 points) You can calculate mathematic problems very rapidly and accurately. A calculation that would take other people minutes and require the use of pencil and paper, you can do in your head in seconds.
Skill Talent (5 points) You have a talent for picking up a certain skill. When you make an Improvement Roll, you can roll d12 to determine how many skill points you gain when you fail the skill roll. If you spent a Hero Point for the roll, you gain 1D3 points if you succeed the skill roll.
Two-Weapon Fighting (15 points) You can fight with two weapons at once, only taking a -10% penalty if both weapons are light, a -15% penalty if one weapon is light, and a -20% penalty if both weapons are medium weight for you. A light weapon is one with an Encumberance value less than 1/10th your Size.[/quote]
What I'd like to see is Advantages and Disadvantages similar to those available in Gurps and Mage. Some of these would only be available at character creation, while others could be acquired later on through the use of Hero Points. I went through the GURPS rulebook and picked out a few advantages I thought might be easily translatable, and a couple of my own. I'd like some feedback on whether the Hero Point costs are fair, too low, or too high.
I'm not a big fan of mental disadvantages. In my opinion, if you want a character who never tells a lie or has a strong code of honor, then play your character that way, and I'll probably give you a couple of extra Hero Points. I will probably allow a disadvantage like Addiction or Phobia, which grants a specific penalty when it is triggered.
A few of the advantages that I came up with:
Absolute Timing (5 points) You always know what time it is. I took this one pretty much verbatum from the GURPS rulebook.
Extraordinary Attractiveness (10 points) You are extraordinarily attractive, gaining a +20% bonus to certain skill rolls. This advantage may be taken multiple times, and the bonus stacks.
Not The Face (15 points) A character with this advantage can reroll anytime a hit is scored to his head. If the result is anywhere except for the head, this result is used for hit location.
Photographic Memory (5 points) Your memory skills are practically unique in this world, since true photographic memory is believed to be impossible. If you concentrate on a scene, you will be able to remember every detail at any time in the future. Even if you haven’t concentrated on the scene, you can make a Memory skill roll and if you succeed, then you have enough details to reconstruct the scene in complete detail, without having to make a Memory skill roll for each detail.
Rapid Calculator (5 points) You can calculate mathematic problems very rapidly and accurately. A calculation that would take other people minutes and require the use of pencil and paper, you can do in your head in seconds.
Skill Talent (5 points) You have a talent for picking up a certain skill. When you make an Improvement Roll, you can roll d12 to determine how many skill points you gain when you fail the skill roll. If you spent a Hero Point for the roll, you gain 1D3 points if you succeed the skill roll.
Two-Weapon Fighting (15 points) You can fight with two weapons at once, only taking a -10% penalty if both weapons are light, a -15% penalty if one weapon is light, and a -20% penalty if both weapons are medium weight for you. A light weapon is one with an Encumberance value less than 1/10th your Size.[/quote]