Our Local Game Shop, (Riders Hobby Shop - Madison Heights, MI) is holding its first ACTA Tournament, Saturday Nov 11, from Noon to 7:30pm. It will be with the pre Armageddon Fleet lists.
Due to limited space, it is open to the first 12 players to register. To Register, send Email to madisonheights@ridershobby.com, subject: B5 tournament, Attn: Eric, that way it won't get lost with the Spam.
Riders Hobby mentioned there will be a $10.00 Rider's gift certificate as a prize and a $1.00 entry fee.
Contact Eric, at the above email, for further questions.
Due to limited space, it is open to the first 12 players to register. To Register, send Email to madisonheights@ridershobby.com, subject: B5 tournament, Attn: Eric, that way it won't get lost with the Spam.
Riders Hobby mentioned there will be a $10.00 Rider's gift certificate as a prize and a $1.00 entry fee.
Contact Eric, at the above email, for further questions.