A "Red Nails" supplement (movie tie-in)?


Any plans for this... to coincide with the release of the movie? Or is Xuchotl already covered... maybe in The Tales of the Black Kingdoms?

Hey I just finished Red Nails and I agree with a number of critics- I think it is one of Howard's best. Can't wait to see the movie myself. 8)
Glad you liked it. It is quite a tale. Not that I wrote it or anything. It is just, how you say wicked and awesome.

Merry Cthulhumas Everyone!
I'm no prophet, but it would be natural for a publisher to use the synergies, especially since Red Nails is a cool classical dungeon crawl which is easy to transfer into a rpg scenario.

In an announcement a few weeks ago someone from Mongoose stated that there are several adventures planned for 2006, so it's a good bet Red Nails will be among them.