A quick question type thing...


I am currently working on a campaign setting that was originally going to use d20 Modern, but withthe release of OGL Cybernet I am going to fully convert it to that. I am planning on setting up the campaign book in a similar format to the FRCS in structure, but using (psuedo) real world locations and materials.

Thing is I don't want to step on any toes or make any copyright mistakes. If I do decide to use OGL Cybernet as the core, what little legalities will I need to hop through/avoid. Also I just don't want to confuse the issue of credit.
Visceris said:
I am currently working on a campaign setting that was originally going to use d20 Modern, but withthe release of OGL Cybernet I am going to fully convert it to that. I am planning on setting up the campaign book in a similar format to the FRCS in structure, but using (psuedo) real world locations and materials.

Thing is I don't want to step on any toes or make any copyright mistakes. If I do decide to use OGL Cybernet as the core, what little legalities will I need to hop through/avoid. Also I just don't want to confuse the issue of credit.

First off read the Open Gaming License from the back of the Cybernet book. Read it once, read it twice and read it thrice :) There is also a declaration area in the book that tells you what is open game content and what is not. Anything that is open game content can be reused legally under the open gaming license. To use the Cybernet logo or to say that y our work is compatible with Cybernet you will need to contact Mongoose for additional licensing terms. I am not a lawyer but feel free to private message me if you have any questions about the Open Gaming License after reading it. You may also want to check out the listserv's at www.opengamingfoundation.org


I have read several times and for the most part and the legalise is rather confusing. Hmmm... I am thinking I should just go for it and see what happens.
Visceris said:
I have read several times and for the most part and the legalise is rather confusing. Hmmm... I am thinking I should just go for it and see what happens.

The jist of the OGL is anything that is declared as open content can be reused, reprinted, changed or anything else you want to do with it legally without permisison because the license already grants you that permission. Now anything that has been declared Product Identity (PI) you cannot reuse without permission. Anything that doesn't fall under either of those declarations cannot be reused either without permission because it is closed content. If you do release your work I strongly suggest do so under the terms of the OGL. It's there for everyone's protection, otherwise releasing cybernet stuff in your setting is a copyright violation, even it if is fan based or even if you are not selling it.

I don't want to repeat Cybernet. Its a good book and I think it should be in people's collection if you like good cyberpunk. I am planning just to expand it and use it to make write a campaign setting using it. I would like to keep repetition down to a minimum. If I do sell it at some point I want the buyers to get fresh material, not rehashes on things that have been done before.