760 Patrons


Hey all, I just got to see the edited and laid-out file for 760 Patrons...and I am very happy. Most of the art is pretty good IMO (especially the Cyber-Pirate), and seems to be pretty well marked from what I asked for from the artists.

All in all I am very happy with how the book looks and functions, and I really hope you guys enjoy it too when it gets to be out for all.

I figured, now that I know what made it through the editing process (which was EVERYTHING, I might add), that I would open a thread for potential questions about the book.Y'know, to get people pysched up about it.

Q1: Any Hivers in amongst those 760 Patrons? ;)
Q2: Which way is the door? ;) ........ <...HiverHiverHiver...>

Seriously though: I'm glad to hear the book is in its final stages. Any idea as to when the book will be available?
A1: Yes. There are several alien encounters that could be of the Hiver persuasion. Also, there is one picture of a Hiver businessman with a briefcase! :)
:o Did the Reptii make it into the book? Or, taken from you response to the Hiver in the front (waggle, waggle, shake, wiggle), will the Referee (whatever) be expected to add whichever race he feels fits the occasion and the PCs? Also, are any new races being introduced in this publication, in further issues of "S&P" or some other M:T product?

Seriously, I am more than ready for this release and specifically, anything written by MJD!
No Reptii in this one...perhaps later if I can get Matthew on board with the funny little guys. :)

The alien encounters are more built based on the setting and the Referee, that way we didn't force people to use Hivers or Reptii or Aslan or whatever if they didn't feel like it. :)


Seriously, I am more than ready for this release and specifically, anything written by MJD!

I have to ask, maybe I'm daft, but my initials aren't MJD...and I wrote this. :) What does MJD stand for in this case?
MJD - Martin J Dougherty (Avenger Enterprises), that hack who wrote Spinward Marches :lol:
Mongoose Steele said:
A1: Yes. There are several alien encounters that could be of the Hiver persuasion.

So are they mostly "generic" or are some designed with specific Patrons outlined?

I have to be honest and say I was excited about the idea of specific patrons more then just "It could be this or that" kinds of write ups.

dafrca said:
So are they mostly "generic" or are some designed with specific Patrons outlined?

My question is related to that one. What terms are used to describe the patrons?

On one hand I understand what dafrca is saying. 760 entries that simply state "A patron wants X" is perhaps too general. But on the other hand, I don't think we'd want "Sir Eneri Cauliflower III, Esq., from the Esteemed Duchy of Blitherax 12m (a lovely garden world full of tribbles and vampires, just a swallow's flight from New France...." I mean there's a certain useful level of detail beyond which one might not want to go.
Okay, how's about I roll one up and show you what the book can generate for you?

First Roll: d66: 43 = Rogue Patron Table

Second Roll: d6: 4 = even number; Protagonist Patron

Third Roll: d66: 25 =

Organised Crime Agent
Required Skills: Streetwise, Persuade
Required Equipment: None

Most rogues work for themselves or in very small groups to avoid
being caught but it is common knowledge that the organised crime
syndicates are where the real money can be found. This level-headed
man is an agent of the local one and he is all business.

Fourth Roll: d6: 3 =
The organised crime agent is (roll a d6)…
3 – 4: …on a personal task for his syndicate. He would like the
characters to cause a distraction for him; drawing the authorities
away while he works.

..................so, the final result is an agent for an organised criminal syndicate looking to hire the characters to cause a distraction for his own activities.

Does that outline what a potential encounter type could be from 760 Patrons? Not too general, but not too specific either...just enough for a Referee to build upon and make a quick session out of it, y'know?

Right, I think this is just enough information to set the stage. The encounter is framed based on the type of patron, with a little background to support the 'plot', which is nice and concrete... and classic.
Based on my experience with the CT Patron book I wasn't planning on picking up 760 Patrons, but thanks to Bryan's post I now have another book I HAVE to get. This book looks to be really useful to any GM who needs a quick encounter or even an idea for a new plot line. So an idea when we'll be seeing the book becoming available? Between Mercenary, 760 Patrons, and the rest, I've got to run a game soon.
Besides being my favorite minotaur, you just may be my favorite Traveller writer after this. Cant wait for your next one as well.
Besides being my favorite minotaur,

That might throw a few people off. :) For the uninitiated, zozo and I are in the same PBP Glorantha game. I am not, in fact, a minotaur working for Mongoose.

Although...I do wish I had horns and hooves...

you just may be my favorite Traveller writer after this. Cant wait for your next one as well.

760 was fun...a draining of my brainpower coming up with 760 different encounters in 4 weeks, but a lot of fun. I was actually MORE excited when I put together Mercenary. It turned out pretty much like I wanted it to: adding cool infantry stuff without being unbalancing to the other careers, either. I can't wait.

Anyway, I appreciate your remark...minotaur and all.

760 Patrons is on sale now in Barnes and Nobles, cost $200+ for used copies. Is Mongoose's printing house in Florida, because all three used copies are coming from the same place in Miami.
So, is 760 Patrons on release now, as the website seems to imply it is...however, no one seems to know much about it.In the UK we're still waiting on SM. As I've said in another thread, communication about Traveller products seems to be pretty vague. :roll:
I just asked at my LGS about 760 patrons and was told by the owner that it is available for them on the 14th of this month.