first post! love Conan! yada yada... 8)
anyhoo a few details... I'll be statting a few ideas for characters this week while I have the books at a friend's house in Baton Rouge (yes I was displaced by Katrina). My group uses a 32 point build... have actually ever since my big D&D campaign ended that went from 1st-23rd level. Conan though has really captured my imagination and after a quick game before the hurricane I totally got into the game. Let's get to some background for this character followed by the 1-20 build:
:arrow: Appearance: Young Lord Angelo Monterro stands 6'1" and weighs 180 lbs. He's got blue eyes and black hair. He's clean shaven and wears his hair well groomed at shoulder length. He's suave and popular with the ladies, although for all his boasting he is not a very accomplished warrior. He wears Zingaran fashion; Doublet and Breeks made of very fine blue silk, a black cape, a white belt, and flared boots. His broad sword hangs rarely used at his side.
:arrow: Capsule: The son of a great Zingaran landowner who would not call upon his foppish lazy child when his lands were under siege from his greatest enemy; the greedy and cruel Lord Esteban. The elder Monterro fell in battle and his lands were carved up by his rivals. Under conditions of surrender, young Angelo was married off to Esteban's youngest; the Lady Carmina. Young Monterro's heart belonged to another though; a young slave girl named Zapara who he had pledged to marry in secret after hearing of his impending betrothment. Carmina discovered this affair and quickly had a bounty heaped upon Angelo Monterro; the sum of 2,000 gl... for his genitals.
build through 20th (1-4 Noble, 5-9 Pirate, 10-11 Noble, 12- 16 Pirate, 17 Noble, 18-20 Pirate)
Attributes (starting): STR 12, DEX 14, CON 12, INT 14, WIS 10, CHA 17
HP: 9
Skills (starting, those marked * have an armor penalty): Balance 5*, Bluff 7, Diplomacy 2, Escape Artist 6*, Jump 3, Knowledge (nobility) 4, Profession (sailor) 3, Ride 4, Sense Motive 5, Swim 3, Tumble 6*, Use Rope 5
Feat: Freebooter's Fortune
SQ: Rank hath its Privileges, SA +1d6, Title, Wealth, Zingaran traits
Equipment (starting): Noble Clothing, Horn, beautiful female slave, manacles and chain, Broadsword, Short Sword, Mail Coat + Scale Hauberk + Steel Cap
anyhoo a few details... I'll be statting a few ideas for characters this week while I have the books at a friend's house in Baton Rouge (yes I was displaced by Katrina). My group uses a 32 point build... have actually ever since my big D&D campaign ended that went from 1st-23rd level. Conan though has really captured my imagination and after a quick game before the hurricane I totally got into the game. Let's get to some background for this character followed by the 1-20 build:
:arrow: Appearance: Young Lord Angelo Monterro stands 6'1" and weighs 180 lbs. He's got blue eyes and black hair. He's clean shaven and wears his hair well groomed at shoulder length. He's suave and popular with the ladies, although for all his boasting he is not a very accomplished warrior. He wears Zingaran fashion; Doublet and Breeks made of very fine blue silk, a black cape, a white belt, and flared boots. His broad sword hangs rarely used at his side.
:arrow: Capsule: The son of a great Zingaran landowner who would not call upon his foppish lazy child when his lands were under siege from his greatest enemy; the greedy and cruel Lord Esteban. The elder Monterro fell in battle and his lands were carved up by his rivals. Under conditions of surrender, young Angelo was married off to Esteban's youngest; the Lady Carmina. Young Monterro's heart belonged to another though; a young slave girl named Zapara who he had pledged to marry in secret after hearing of his impending betrothment. Carmina discovered this affair and quickly had a bounty heaped upon Angelo Monterro; the sum of 2,000 gl... for his genitals.
build through 20th (1-4 Noble, 5-9 Pirate, 10-11 Noble, 12- 16 Pirate, 17 Noble, 18-20 Pirate)
1. Freebooter's Fortune, Title (Lord), Rank Hath its privledges, Wealth, Sneak Attack (SA) +1d6
2. Regional Feature +1
3. Expertise
4. +Cha, Refuge
5. Parry, Seamanship +1, Ferocious Attack
6. +All, Weapon Focus (Broadsword), Pirate Code, To Sail a Road to Blood and Slaughter
7. SA +2d6, Sneak Subdual
8. +Dex, Uncanny Dodge
9. Up the Rigging, Intricate Swordplay, Mobility
10. +All, Lead by Example +2
11. Enhanced Leadership
12. +Dex, Viper's Speed, SA +3d6, Seamanship +2
13. Bite Sword, Ferocious Attack (additional attack)
14. +All, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Poison Resistance +1
15. Zingaran Suprise, SA +4d6
16. +Cha, Wave Dance, Improved Mobility, Navigation
17. Regional Feature +2
18. +All, Sharp Blade, Seamanship +3
19. SA +5d6
20. +Cha, Ferocious Attack (Stun, Blood, and Slaughter)
Attributes (starting): STR 12, DEX 14, CON 12, INT 14, WIS 10, CHA 17
HP: 9
Skills (starting, those marked * have an armor penalty): Balance 5*, Bluff 7, Diplomacy 2, Escape Artist 6*, Jump 3, Knowledge (nobility) 4, Profession (sailor) 3, Ride 4, Sense Motive 5, Swim 3, Tumble 6*, Use Rope 5
Feat: Freebooter's Fortune
SQ: Rank hath its Privileges, SA +1d6, Title, Wealth, Zingaran traits
Equipment (starting): Noble Clothing, Horn, beautiful female slave, manacles and chain, Broadsword, Short Sword, Mail Coat + Scale Hauberk + Steel Cap