Recent content by viper1

  1. V

    Looking to get into SST!!

    Yep that's the problem they're reasonable until you add the uk shipping and customs charges. They don't seem to come up so often this side of the pond. Thanks for the heads up about the downloads Ian..I didn't think they would be still available on Wargames Vault or Drive Thru. Cheers mate!
  2. V

    Looking to get into SST!!

    Howdy looking to get into the Starship Troopers Miniatures game. Unfortunately I'd be starting from scratch so my priority is to find the main rule book, Arachnid and MI army books (either hard copy or pdf) and a bunch of Bug and MI miniatures. I'm keeping my eye on ebay but as you know...
  3. V

    Has the old Demarco mini been discontinued?

    Cool thank's for the quick reply...will be keeping my eyes open. :)
  4. V

    Has the old Demarco mini been discontinued?

    Thread title says it all, Can't find the Judge Demarco miniature in the store anymore...with the new PI Demarco coming soon has the Judge version been discontinued? Cheers Simon P.S the new and upcoming releases look superb...keep up the good work!
  5. V

    WTB Babylon 5 Wars 2nd edition

    Cheers mate...much appreciated :)
  6. V

    WTB Babylon 5 Wars 2nd edition

    Hi folks, I'm on the look out for a copy of the Babylon 5 Wars 2nd edition core rules. Ideally I could do with the Rules Compendium book and the ships of the fleet book. Unfortunately the only places i can find these books on the internet want insane prices for them. Can anyone help me...
  7. V

    Judge Dredd News

    Great news all round, especialy happy that the lawmaster is on it's way! Are there any preview pics or prelim's of the new minis anywhere? Cheers Matt!
  8. V

    [ACTASF]Anyone else seeing a lot of problems with the minis?

    Hope you guy's can help me make an informed choice here..... I keep toying with the idea of getting into acta starfleet and buying a federation fleet box, however all the comments i've read about quality control on the starline 2500 minis is giving me some concern. I dont mind doing some clean...
  9. V

    Important Info on A Call to Arms: Star Fleet

    Just another question for you Matt, Does the mini rulebook included with the fleetbox's have all the info included in the full size version or is it a streamlined version?
  10. V

    Important Info on A Call to Arms: Star Fleet

    Just noticed that the fleet box's have just changed from pre order to in stock on the website. Does this mean that issues around the miniatures has been sorted and are now aviailable to ship? Just a bit confused as i thought everything was on hold?
  11. V

    Important Info on A Call to Arms: Star Fleet

    Thank's for the clarification on what the current state of affairs is Matt, it's very much appreciated. As you state the quality of the miniatures has been a concern especialy in the earlier run of the miniatures. How do things stand at the moment quality wise with the squadron box's? have the...
  12. V

    Has anyone in the U.S. received their Fleet Boxes?

    I agree with you on this one, and not just for folks in the US. A statement from Mongoose as to what is going on would be very useful in order to clarrify what the situation is with the release of the fleetbox's I was considering putting an order in myself however all of this is confusing me as...
  13. V


    PM and email sent!
  14. V

    Anybody want my copy of federation commander Romulan Border?

    Just wanted to let you know that I'm selling my copy of Federation Commander Romulan border in preperation for ACTA Star Fleet! The set has never been used and due to my preference for the ACTA system i figured i may as well let this go to someone who will get more use out of it and put some...
  15. V

    WTB Sky full of Stars counter set in uk

    I'm now sorted folk's, Thank's for pointing out the player resources they will be very usefull Thank's again :D